Why is it that some diabetics suffer from flying mosquitoes, re-visions, blurred visions? The main reason for the above is the emergence of diabetes membranes. Diabetes-related retinal disease, known as sugar web disease, is a microvascular disease of diabetes that has a high incidence of disease and a high rate of disability, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. It is the main blinding eye disease in the country following the glaucoma and cataracts.
According to epidemiological data published on the latest World Diabetes Map, the number of diabetes patients in China has exceeded 140 million. According to one third of our law, about one third of diabetes patients have different levels of retinasis of diabetes. Another third of these patients combined diabetic yellow oedema. One third of them show clinically significant bloated oedema.
Diabetes retinasis is the first blinding disease in the working age population. More than half of those diabetics suffer from various degrees of impairment of their vision.
Why is blood sugar normal at the time of the medical examination, and possibly diabetes membranes? Some diabetes patients are normal because they have an empty abdominal sugar, but they have high post-eating blood sugar, most of them only once a year, and once the blood sugar is normal.
For suspected patients or patients with a family history of diabetes mellitus, the choice is to test for sugarated haemoglobins or to test for sugar tolerance, so that blood sugar is normal at the time of medical examination and there is a risk of retinasis of diabetes.
The blood sugar is always in control. Will it cause diabetes? Blood sugar is well controlled and does slow the occurrence and development of diabetes membranes. Data show a reduction of 1 per cent in erythroglobin smelting, a 21 per cent reduction in the risk of retinasis of diabetes and a 43 per cent reduction in the risk of progress.
However, even if it remains well controlled, long-term metabolic disorders can lead to diabetes membranes. In addition, even if average blood sugar levels are low, it is too volatile and can easily be aggravated.
Some patients are already suffering from long-term diabetes before they begin to control blood sugar, and even have already undergone diabetes retinal disease, which, even when it is well controlled, cannot disappear and can only be stabilized or improved through appropriate treatment.
Can you absorb it yourself? Diabetes retinal changes can produce new blood vessels, are prone to fractured haemorrhages, can flow to the glass cavity when the haemorrhage is higher, causing a severe loss of vision, and most haemorrhages can be absorbed slowly and generally take between one and three months.
An initial haemorrhage can be followed by an observation for about a month before a decision can be made as to whether to continue the observation and, if haemorrhage is absorbed, end-of-eye laser treatment may be considered. In case of sustained or higher perivascular haemorrhages in the newborn veins, the use of an eye-injection anti-vascular internal cortex factor or surgical treatment is required. Most doctors now recommend that surgical treatment be performed at an early stage in order not to cause an increase in the disease, or even to affect the effect of subsequent treatment.
Attention to eye health is essential for everyone, especially for people with diabetes. Understanding the risks of diabetes membranes and preventive measures are key. It is therefore important for patients with diabetes to bear in mind that blood sugar is to be controlled first, that secondary periodic eye examinations are to be carried out, and that, in the end, medical advice is to be followed. Protect your eyes and be the first person responsible for your own health.