Diabetes is a common chronic metabolic disease caused by insulin insufficiency or insulin in the body. Insulin, like a “key”, opens the cell’s “door” and allows glucose in blood to enter the cell for use, thus reducing the blood sugar level. When insulin problems occur, blood sugar rises, leading to a range of health problems.Diabetes mellitus are mainly of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, pregnancy diabetes and special types of diabetes. Diabetes type 1 mostly occurs among children and young people, as insulin cells in pancreas are mistreated by the immune system, resulting in an absolute lack of insulin distribution, and patients are usually dependent on external insulin injections to maintain blood sugar levels. Type-diabetes, which accounts for the majority of diabetics, is closely related to genetic, obesity, and unhealthy lifestyles, which may be normal or even high at an early stage, but is not sensitive to insulin and has shown resistance to insulin, which is decreasing as conditions develop. gestational diabetes is the first occurrence of diabetes during pregnancy, and generally haemomal sugar can return to normal, but the risk of gestational diabetes later increases. Special types of diabetes are caused by particular genetic or disease factors.Diabetes is typical of “more than three” symptoms, i.e., overdrinking, eating, urinating and weight loss. High blood sugar increases blood osmosis, stimulates the thirst centre of the hypothalamus, and patients are often thirsty and drink a lot of water; at the same time, cells do not receive enough glucose, and the body sends a sign of hunger, which leads to an increase in the patient ‘ s diet; kidneys produce a large amount of urine in order to remove excess sugar; and because the body does not fully utilize glucose, the body provides energy by decomposes fat and proteins and reduces the body ‘ s body weight. However, many diabetes patients may not have visible symptoms at an early stage, or display only a few unusual symptoms, such as skin itching, blurred vision, numbing or stinging hands and feet, and slow healing wounds, which can easily be ignored.Long-term high blood sugar can cause serious harm to organs and systems throughout the body. Diabetes nephrosis is one of the common microvascular complications, which can gradually develop into renal failure; diabetes mellitus can cause loss of sight and even blindness; diabetes neurosis can seriously affect the quality of life, such as numbing of hands and feet, stings, anomalous feelings, etc.; diabetes is manifested in a foot ulcer, infection, noma, etc., which may require amputations in serious cases; and cardiac disease increases the risk of coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, exterior arteries, such as cardiac infarcation, and moderate brain failure. In addition, diabetes affects the functioning of the immune system, making people more vulnerable to infection and less controllable after infection.Diabetes treatment is an integrated process. Eating control is the basis for patients to follow the diet principles of low sugar and high fibres, to control the intake of total calories, to distribute the proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a rational manner, to eat more foods rich in diet fibres, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, to reduce the intake of high sugar, fat and salt foods, and to take care of diets and to regularly measure meals. Sports treatment is also essential, and moderate sports can enhance health, increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. Patients may choose the appropriate mode of sports, such as walking, jogging, swimming, Tai Chi Fist, etc., depending on their circumstances, and maintain a medium-intensity exercise of at least 150 minutes per week. With regard to medication, depending on the type and condition of diabetes, patients may need oral sugar or insulin injection. Common oral sugar-reducing drugs are sulfonyls, duplexes, glenanes, thanedigenes, α-sugarase inhibitors, etc., which reduce blood sugar through different mechanisms of action. Insulin treatment applies to blood sugar control for type 1 diabetes patients, part 2 diabetes patients and pregnant diabetes patients in specific circumstances. Patients are required to take medication or inject insulin on a strictly medically prescribed basis, and are not allowed to increase or stop the drug without permission.Diabetes is a disease that requires long-term management and control. Patients actively cooperate in the treatment and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, regularly monitor indicators such as blood sugar, blood pressure and blood resin, regularly visit hospitals for review, and adjust treatment programmes in a timely manner in order to prevent and delay the occurrence and development of diabetes complications, improve the quality of life and enjoy a healthy and better life like normal people.
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