“Diagnosis and treatment of silver crumb arthritis.”

Silver crumb arthritis (PsA)

It is an inflammatory joint disease associated with silver crumbs, which has both the skin expression of silver crumbs, and the fatigue of joints and the surrounding soft tissue, which has a significant impact on the patient ‘ s physical and mental health. Details of their diagnosis and treatment are given below. Diagnosis of skin symptoms: Most patients begin with skin damage from silver crumbs, typical of which is a red spot with clear borders, with multiple layers of silver and white crumbs, which can be found in the skin, limb stretches, back, etc., and scraping the crumbs to see membrane and spot haemorrhage (Auspitz).

However, there are also a small number of patients with joint symptoms that predate skin symptoms, which makes early diagnosis more difficult. Artificial expression: A combination of accumulative joints, i.e., a long-end joint between fingers, toes, frequent swelling, pain, stress and restriction of activity, and, in serious cases, deformation of the joint, with a “weenie finger (toe)” as it is, or a central joint of the spinal column, hysteria, etc., which causes pain in the back, rigidity, etc., and some similarity to a direct spinal column. Some of the patients may also be subject to inflammation in the form of pain, stress, etc., in the form of muskets, ligatures attached to bone parts.

Auxiliary laboratory examinations: There are generally no serometric markers. Rheumatizing factors (RFs) are usually negative, but inflammation indicators such as blood sank (ESR), C reaction protein (CRP) may increase during the event. In addition, by testing the human white cell antigen (HLA)-B27, there is some reference value in determining whether or not to merge, for example, spinal arthritis, although its positiveness is not a requirement for the diagnosis of PsA, it is relatively high among patients suffering from a number of axles. Video-censorship: X-rays reveal signs of bone damage, narrow joint faults, new bone formation, for example, typical changes in marginal erosion at finger joints.

The CT examination shows a clearer nuanced pathology for the luminous joint, spinal column, etc., and helps to detect abnormal changes in the bone at an early stage. The MRI is more sensitive to soft tissues, slides, osteoporosis, etc., and better assesses the inflammatory activity of the disease. Ultrasound examination is also of better diagnostic value in the form of rampitis, rhinitis and epidural inflammation, etc., around the joints, where blood flow can be observed. The diagnostic criteria currently commonly used in the diagnostic criteria, such as the CASPAR (Classification Crimea for Psoriatic Artritis) standard, are based on a combination of existing silver crumbs, silver crumb family history, finger (toy) inflammation, past history, rheumatist negatives, and can be diagnosed with silver crumb arthritis when it reaches a certain value. The aim of the treatment is to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, protect joint function, control skin damage and improve the quality of life of patients, with a view to minimizing the progress of the disease and reducing the incidence of disability. The education of the general treatment of patients is essential in order to inform the patient about the characteristics of the disease, the course of the disease and the importance of the treatment, and to guide him to a healthy lifestyle, such as adequate rest, avoidance of overwork, cessation of smoking, etc., along with moderate joint function exercise, such as stretching of the joint, to maintain the degree of joint activity and to prevent the rigidity of the joint and muscle atrophy. Drugs for Inflammatory Inflammatory Medicines (NSAIDs): These can be effective in abating the symptoms of joint pain, swelling and inflammation, with the most common drugs being Brophen, Sodium bichlorfonate, saliva, etc. However, such drugs do not control the progress of the disease, and the potential for adverse effects, such as gastrointestinal tracts, from long-term use requires close attention. (csDMARDs) Traditional synthesis to improve the state of rheumatism (csDMARDs), which is one of the most common drugs used to treat PsAs, and which works through mechanisms such as inhibiting cell proliferation, has some effect on the control of the condition, improving the symptoms of the joint and the skin damage of some patients; it is also possible to select nitrous sulfon, fluoromethics, which can also be used on a patient-by-patient basis, but the use requires the monitoring of indicators such as blood protocol, liver and kidney function, to prevent adverse reactions. Biological agents: In recent years, the use of PsA treatment has become increasingly widespread, such as TNF-α inhibitors, such as the Inausip and Inflisi monologues, which can specifically disrupt the role of TNF-α, quickly and effectively control arthritis, improve joint function and mitigate skin disease, especially for patients with more serious conditions and poor treatment of traditional drugs. In addition, new biological agents, such as white cell media (IL)-17A inhibitors, have shown good efficacy and safety, providing patients with more treatment options.

However, the prices of biological agents are relatively high, and potential risks such as infection need to be monitored for use. Small molecular targeting drugs: for example, tofate, which act as a means of combating inflammation and regulating immunization by means of a specific signal inside the cell, offer better prospects for the treatment of PsAs, with easy oral delivery and relatively manageable adverse reactions. Surgery can be used to improve the function of the joint and to improve the self-care capacity of the patient, but there is also a risk that the procedure will require rigorous management of the surgical adjustment if the patient has severe joint malformations and functional impairments at the end of the period, and if the treatment is conservatively ineffective. In general, the diagnosis of silver crumb arthritis requires a combination of clinical performance and auxiliary examinations, while the treatment is a long-term, individualized process requiring multidisciplinary collaboration, such as rheumatism and dermatology, to better help patients to control their condition and improve their quality of life.