Diagnosis and treatment of silver crumbs
Silver crumbs is a chronic autoimmune skin disease induced by a variety of genetic, immune and environmental factors, with complex and multidimensional mechanisms.
The following is an overview of the mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of silver crumbs: the mechanism of incidence; The genetic factors: the genetic orientation of silver crumbs, and studies of genomic relevance have confirmed that some inflammatory media and cells play a key role in silver crumbs. Immunisation factors: The heart of silver crumbs is immunisation disorders, especially T-cell. A variety of cells, such as T-cells, fibrous cells, meso-particle cells and horn-forming cells, cause of death from cancers, i.e., alpha (TNF-α), gamma-interferobics (IFN-gamma), IL-17 and IL-22, among others, caused a change in the characterization of silver crumb. Of these, IL-23 and Th17 cells play a central role, and IL-23 can contribute to the production of IL-17 by Thi17 cells, and IL-17A of the IL-17 family is the most closely associated with the system for the development of silver crumbs. • Cell-factor imbalance: there are a number of cell-factor imbalances in cases of silver crumbs, including IL-12, IL-23, IL-17, TNF-α and so on, which act in angular form of cells, leading to a pathological change in the typical case of silver crumbs, such as skin increase, graft and excessive agglomeration.
The diagnosis of silver crumbs is based mainly on their typical clinical performance and histopathological characteristics:
Clinical performance: The typical clinical manifestations of silver crumbs are crumbs or clots, limited or widely distributed. Speculatory silver crumbs are the most common types, expressed in red rashes or plasters, with thicker white cloud-like crumbs.
• Organization of pathological examinations: characterizational pathological changes such as excessive caricular osteoporosis, the disappearance of the particle layer and the microsalms of the skin can be observed through dermal biopsy.
Auxiliary diagnosis: Skin lenses can help to distinguish silver crumbs from other skin diseases such as rashes, lipid spills, etc. Treatment for silver crumbs needs to be tailored to the individualized condition of the patient, with a slight and off-the-centre treatment, with a medium-heavy response system, and with the option of biological agents or small-molecular drugs for patients who have less effective treatment for traditional systems.
• Out-of-service treatment: applies to patients with mild silver crumbs, including local application of cortical steroids, vitamin D analogues, etc. • Systemic treatments: these include oral drugs such as ammonium butterflies, cyclists, and the treatment of biological agents such as single cloned antibodies for TNF-α, IL-17 and IL-23.
Physical therapy: UV therapy, for example, is effective for some patients. In the light of the above, silver crumbs occur at multiple levels, including genetic, immune and cytological factors. Diagnosis depends on clinical performance and the organization of pathological characteristics, and treatment needs to be tailored to the patient ‘ s individuality, and can be tried through external, systematic and physiotherapy.