Speculatory silver crumbs are the more common type of silver crumbs, in the form of red specks with clear borders, covered with silver and white crumbs. And when specky silver crumbs are associated with rheumatism, they are called silver crumb arthritis. The disease not only affects skin beauty but also causes serious damage to joints and affects the quality of life of patients.
1. Clinical performance
– Skin expression: typical scavenging of silver crumbs, red or dark red scabs, clear borders, silver and white crumbs on top, visible membrane phenomena and dot bleeding after scraping them.
– Artificial displays: the main corrosive and exterior joints can cause joint pain, swelling, rigidity and, in serious cases, joint malformations and functional disorders. Common arteries include fingers, toes, wrists, ankles, etc. In addition, the spinal column may be tiring, in the form of pain in the back and rigidity.
Laboratory inspection
– Blood regularity: Some patients may experience an increase in erythrocyte deposition (ESR) and C reaction protein (CRP), suggesting inflammation.
– Rheumatist (RF): usually negative, but a small number of patients may have low-dip positive.
– Anti-accumulacid antibodies (anti-CCP antibodies): typically negative.
Human White Cell Antigen (HLA)-B27: Some patients may be positive.
3. Visual inspection
– X-rays: can show changes in joint faults, bone damage, joint integration, etc.
– Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): The early detection of arthritis and soft tissue disorders is of great value for the diagnosis and assessment of the condition.
– Ultrasound examination: can detect pathologies such as increased muscularity of the joint, joint accumulation, etc.
General treatment
– Patients should be careful to rest and avoid overwork and joint damage. Appropriate joint exercise is performed to maintain joint flexibility and muscle strength.
– Stop smoking and keep a healthy lifestyle.
– Avoiding infection, in particular upper respiratory infections, so as not to aggravate the condition.
2. Drug treatment
– Non-paralytic anti-inflammation drugs (NSAIDs): for example, Broven, Nept, etc., relieves joint pain and swelling.
– Rheumatism (DMARDs) to improve the state of health: for example, amamino, nitrous sulfon, etc., slows progress in the destruction of joints.
– Biological preparations, such as tumour cause of death (TNF)-alpha inhibitors, white cellulose (IL)-17 inhibitors, which have a relatively good effect on silver crumb arthritis, but which are expensive and may have adverse effects such as infection.
– Sugar cortex hormones: The use of sugar cortex hormones throughout the body is not generally advocated, but may be used for a short period of time in cases of serious illness. Partial external sugar cortex hormones mitigate skin symptoms.
3. Physical therapy
– Thermal therapy, such as hot dressing, hot springs, etc., which relieves joint pain and rigidity.
– Phototherapy: Ultraviolet B (UVB) exposures have some effect on skin changes in silver crumbs.
– Surgery treatment, such as joint replacements, may be considered for patients with severe joint deformities and manifest functional impairments.
The prognosis of silver crumb arthritis varies from one person to another, with some patients having a lighter condition, with active treatment being used to control the condition and the function of the joint being well restored; however, others suffer from severe conditions that can lead to joint abnormalities and functional disorders. Early diagnosis and treatment are therefore essential to improve the prognosis.
Overall, the diagnosis of plaque-like silver crumbs with rheumatological symptoms requires a combination of clinical performance, laboratory and video-testing. Treatment should be tailored to the specific circumstances of the patient, including general treatment, medication, physiotherapy and surgical treatment. Patients should actively cooperate with doctors in their treatment and undergo periodic reviews to control the condition and improve the quality of life.