Preventing reasonable blood sugar complications is critical. Knowledge of diets of diabetics.I. Importance of diabetes dietThe importance of diet is reflected in the following:Control of blood sugar levelsReduced blood sugar volatility. Just by choosing the right food and controlling the amount of food. Significant increases or decreases in blood sugar can be avoided. Keep the blood sugar within a relatively flat range.Prevention of complicationsLong-term high blood sugar can cause damage to organs of the body and a range of complications. Such as cardiovascular diseases, kidneys, retinasis, etc. A reasonable diet reduces the probability of complications by reducing blood sugar, blood pressure and blood resin.Health weight maintenanceOne of the major risk factors for diabetes is obesity. A reasonable diet helps the patient to control weight. By controlling caloric intake and increasing exercise, patients can achieve and maintain healthy body weight, thus better controlling diabetes.II. Principles for diabetes dietControl Total calorieDiabetes need to calculate the sum of the calories required for one day, based on their age, sex, height, weight, activity, etc., and then distribute them rationally in three meals.A balanced dietDiabetes diets should include various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. And it’s a fair proportion.TimingGenerally, there are three or more meals per day, with a relatively constant amount of food per meal to ensure blood sugar stability.A light diet.Diabetes should be dieted to avoid excessive consumption of salt, oil and sugar. Daily salt intake should be within 6 grams. The intake of cooking oil should be controlled at 25-30 grams.Food choices for diabetes patientsCarbohydrates(1) Selection of carbohydrates rich in dietary fibresDiabetes should choose carbohydrates, such as wheat bread, rough rice, oats, beans, etc., rich in food fibre. The slow absorption of these foods avoids a significant rise in blood sugar.(2) Control of intake of carbohydratesDepending on the volume of their activities. Generally, the intake of carbohydrates per meal should be between 50 and 100 grams.Protein(1) Choice of quality proteinsDiabetes patients should choose high-quality proteins that contain essential amino acids in humans. The nutritional value is high and the effect on blood sugar is low.(2) Control of protein intakeThe protein intake of diabetics is appropriate. It should be appropriate for the average protein to consume 15-20% of the total calories per day.Fat(1) Choose unsaturated fatDiabetes are preferable to unsaturated fats such as olive oil, fish oil, nuts, etc. These fats reduce cholesterol content and are beneficial for cardiovascular health.(2) Control of fat intakeDiabetes fat intake is appropriate. In general, daily fat intake should account for 20-30 per cent of total calories.Vegetables and fruit(1) Eat more vegetablesVegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and food fibres. It benefits the health of diabetics. Diabetes patients should eat more vegetables, and the daily intake of vegetables should be over 500 grams.(2) Reasonable choice of fruitDiabetes can choose low sugar fruits such as apples, pears, grapefruit, strawberries, etc. The daily intake of fruit should be around 200 grams.Other food(1) Adequate quantity of drinking waterDiabetes should be given a proper amount of drinking water, which is appropriate for 1500-2000ml per day. Drinking water promotes metabolism and contributes to the discharge of waste within the body.(2) Avoid drinkingAlcohol affects the control of blood sugar and increases the probability of low blood sugar. Diabetes avoid drinking if they have to control their consumption.Dietary attention for diabeticsWatch out for food.Diabetes take care of their diet. Avoid over-ingestion of a single food. A balance of nutrition can be ensured through the use of a combination of thiomers, cortex, etc.Watch your food order.The order in which diabetics eat. First the green, then the protein, and finally the carbohydrates. This will slow the digestion of carbohydrates and avoid a sharp rise in blood sugar.Watch your diet.Diabetes patients have relatively low immunity and are vulnerable to various diseases. Food hygiene should therefore be taken into account in diets, avoiding the consumption of unclean food and preventing food poisoning and intestinal infections.Watch out for blood sugar.Diabetes should closely monitor changes in blood sugar during dietary regulation. If an abnormal blood sugar is detected, the diet must be adjusted in a timely manner or visit the hospital.In general, the diet of diabetics should be based on the principles of controlling total calories, balancing diets, time-quent and light diets, choosing the right food, taking care of the food mix and order of meals, taking care of dietary hygiene and closely monitoring blood sugar. Diabetes control their diet rationally. Better diseases and better quality of life.
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