In the world in which we live, the invisible pathogen, like the “Invisible Ghost”, is constantly searching for opportunities to invade the human body, causing infectious diseases of all kinds. Unmasking the mystery of the path to infection is a crucial step in our own defence and health. Aero-transmission micro-invasive air, which appears to be an invisible medium, can become a barrier-free “highway” for pathogens. Flying foam is the first to spread, and when patients cough, sneeze and even speak loudly, there is a large amount of flue virus, new coronary virus, which can be used to “departe”. A sneeze can produce as many as 40,000 sneezes, splattering at a rate of tens of metres per second, and once the next person is inhaled, the virus “roots” in the respiratory tract, causing heat, cough, etc. It is like crowded public transport, closed-rooms, poor air circulation, high-floating and high-risk infections. Aerosol transmission is more “preventable” and pathogens are attached to small particles (less than 5 micrometres in diameter) that can be suspended for long periods of time and drift with air currents, and are not limited to close contact. Hospital ventilated pipes and elevator cars may be “middled” even for a moment, if they are carried with a fungus aerosol, which, for example, often spreads in the form of aerosols in poorly ventilated areas, threatening the health of the lungs in silence. The pathogen “sweeting” is transferred when it is exposed to a “intimate contact” that breeds a direct contact that spreads straight and fast, and when the skin is “intimately touched” and the mucous membrane is “connected”. A child with a hand-in-hand oral disease pulls hand-in-hand, and the intestinal virus 71 type “jumps” from the sick to a healthy child, and then attacks the mouth, foot and skin mucous membrane and gives birth to herpes. Sexual contact transmission is a “exclusive route” for a particular disease, by which HIV, syphilis spirals, etc. penetrate the human body, endanger the reproductive and immune systems and warn of the need for safe sexual behaviour. Indirect exposure spreads more clandestinely, and daily commons become “collaborators”. The public doorknob was touched by a flu patient, the virus survived for several hours, the next toucher rubbing his eyes, snouting his nose, and the virus entered; the moist gym towels were hidden in fungus, sharing the back of the guillotine, and the twitching of the skin and the grafts followed, reminding us of the “care of the public good”. Dietary transmission: “the disease comes from the mouth”, an ancient warning that water pollution is a “source of bad water” and that untreated sewage, containing coli and cholera fungus, flows into the drinking system, and that drinkers will soon be “captured” by the fungus, which causes severe diarrhoea, dehydration and, in some cases, loss of life; and that unpurified water sources in the wild appear to be clear, but may contain parasites such as Jadi, which can cause intestinal infections and indigestion. Food spreads “shows out”, with fresh fruit and vegetables contaminated with soil dung eggs, eggs of vermin, and raw food in the intestines “incubated” parasites; if meat is processed irregularly, sick livestock with salmonella, Lesterella, uncooked cooking, the eaters are exposed to bacteria “down”, high heat, abdominal pain, vomiting is “alarming”, warning us that food “come to the fore” and keep the diet healthy. The risk of mother-to-child transmission: the potential risk of “life bond”: vertical transmission when giving birth to a new life: “blacking pen” during pregnancy, “crossing” the virus during pregnancy: placenta is intrauterine infection, rubella virus causes malformation and stunting of the foetus; birth path is “twixt four-volt” at birth, with the infection of the newborns with gonorrhea, simple herpe virus, which causes eye inflammation and mucous changes in the skin; breast-feeding during the post-partum period, when the mother’s milk carries hepatitis B, C, is a “transmissible path”, highlighting the importance of pre-preconception, protection during pregnancy, scientific feeding, and cutting off the “chain”. This “dark net” that knows the path to infection, in which we can target our lives, wearing masks, washing hands, eating “rules”, caring for the mother and the child, and using a well-organized “wall of protection” to keep the sick from the door.
Posted inHealth and wellness