Does the descendants of the acetate suffer from the acetosis? Many of the acetologists are often concerned with the question: “Will my children get a stale? ” Thyroid hyperactivity is a common endocrine disease, mainly manifested in thyroid hormone overocrine, which leads to metabolic acceleration, heart rate and weight loss. So, is it true that the “family genetics” of the ace are fake? Let’s talk today. 1. Is the acetate genetic? The acetosis is not caused solely by genetic factors, but there is a family tendency. Studies have found that the occurrence of apocalyptics has some bearing on genetic factors, and that if there are direct family members (e.g. parents, siblings) in the family with apocalyptics, the risk of apocalyptics is relatively high for future generations. However, genetics is not the only determining factor, and environmental factors and life habits also play an important role in the occurrence of apocalyptics. There are aluminum in the family, and what are the risks for future generations? The genetic risk of apogee is usually “multigenetic”, i.e. it is influenced by a combination of genes and is not caused by a single gene mutation. Thus, despite the fact that family history increases the likelihood that future generations will suffer from the disease, it does not mean that there will always be a disease. In general, there are offspring of a manic acid in the family with a slightly higher probability of disease than the general population, but this probability is not absolute. 3. What are the genetic risks associated with? In addition to genetic factors, the environmental effects of the day after the day cannot be ignored. The occurrence of acetacin may be associated with a variety of factors such as stress, infection, diet, etc. For example, chronic stress, infection with the virus, overdose of iodine, etc. can trigger acetic acid. Thus, even with family history, maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps to reduce the risk of morbidity. 4. How to prevent apogee? For populations at high risk (e.g., those with family history), prevention can be done in the following ways: • Maintaining a regular life: avoiding long-term nights and overwork, maintaining a good mind as much as possible and reducing stress. • A rational diet: avoid over-ingestion of iodine, especially iodized foods such as seaweeds, purple vegetables, etc. • Periodic medical examinations: for persons with family history, an examination of the thyroid function can be performed once a year for early detection and treatment. There is some genetic tendency, but not 100 per cent. There is a relatively high risk of morbidity among the offspring of the acetoids in the family, but the likelihood of disease can be effectively reduced through a healthy lifestyle and reasonable precautions. Therefore, scientific prophylactics can be achieved without excessive fear, good mentalities and regular medical examinations. Ace, ace, ace, ace.
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