Does the removal of both sides of the tube affect the pregnancy rate of in vitro babies?

There are many women who, for a variety of reasons, have caused the complete removal of the ovarians on both sides, at a time when they are not inherently pregnant and need to be assisted by a test tube baby to give birth to their own baby. Do those ovarians have an impact on the rate of in vitro baby pregnancy? The expert on the in vitro baby at Kunming Avev Hospital replied that the removal of the ovarians on both sides would not lead to a reduction in the rate of in vitro baby pregnancy, and that the rate of in vitro babies should be judged in a comprehensive manner by many factors.

Female friends who remove both sides of the ovarian tube are able to give birth to the ovaries provided that they function properly. And the uterus is functioning so that in vitro baby can be operated. The tubing functions as a transporter of eggs and of fertilized eggs and, even without them, does not affect the normal functioning of ovaries.

Moreover, in principle, a patient who has been subjected to an in vitro baby after he has been removed from both sides of the tubal is generally given a slightly higher rate of pregnancy than the average female who has been blocked by the tubal. The risk of extrauterine pregnancy is significantly reduced because patients who have undergone in vitro tests after the ovulation of both sides.

The In vitro Infant Specialist at Kunming Avev Hospital warned that the rate of pregnancy in in vitro infants is still constrained by a number of factors, such as laboratory techniques, conditions and the age, utero environment and ovary function of women, which affect the rate of in vitro babies, so that the rate of pregnancy of female in vitro infants who are excised from both sides needs to be assessed in a comprehensive manner.

The above is an introduction to the question of whether the ovulation on both sides affects the pregnancy rate of in vitro babies. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.