In many areas of medicine, rheumatism and immunisation are often like hidden “health killers” and are silently eroding the quality of life of patients. These are complex and diverse, covering rheumatism, systemic red hyenas, and direct spina. The importance of early diagnosis is self-evident, as it suffocates the critical hand of the disease ‘ s throat.
In the early stages of rheumatism, symptoms are like “smog bombs”, which are vague and easily confused with other diseases. Patients may only occasionally experience slight joint pains, which can be reduced by a break, which can easily be ignored, as a result of stress-like conditions. It is also the case that there is an unexplained low-heat, indigence, which is thought to be a common cold and a self-medicines. However, a “health storm” is brewing behind these subtle symptoms over time.
In the case of rheumatism, for example, the early period may have been characterized only by rigidity in the morning of a small joint, such as a close joint to the finger, a wrist, and a slow recovery after 10 minutes of activity, which would have developed rapidly had it not received attention. The continued inflammation of the joints can lead to swelling of the joints, increased pain, gradual erosion of the cartilage and bones, resulting in the deformation of the joints, loss of normal functions and serious impact on daily life, which makes it extremely difficult to wear clothes, eat and walk.
Systemic red hyenas are more `climate’ and early symptoms involve multiple systems across the body. The red spots in the skin may be mistaken for allergies, repeated oral ulcer attacks without the associated signs of a systemic disease, and may be accompanied by hair withdrawals, joint pains, etc., which cause patients to roll around between outpatient clinics and delay diagnosis. Once the condition deteriorates, the kidney is burdened with protein urine, kidney failure, heart palpititis, myocarditis, and life is at risk.
Early diagnosis is so critical that the disease is in a “breeding” state at a time when body tissues are less damaged, treatment is relatively less difficult and the prognosis is better. Advanced medical tests provide strong support for early detection, such as self-antibody testing, which captures traces of disease in blood through a series of indicators such as rheumatism, anti-nucleus, etc.; and arthropod ultrasound in video-testing, which clearly detects minor changes in the muscular membranes, blood flow, which detect changes earlier than traditional X light.
The clinical experience of doctors is also essential for detailed consultations. In the face of complaints of discomfort, doctors are required to slit cocoon and make a comprehensive assessment of the early manifestations of rheumatism. When patients suffer from unspecified multisystem symptoms, which continue unabated for some time, they should be referred to the Rheumatism Immunization Unit in a timely manner.
For the general public, health awareness is the key to opening the door to early diagnosis. Attention is paid to minor physical changes, periodic medical examinations are conducted, and the notion of “correspond to the past” is rejected. Only early detection and early diagnosis can provide a timely and effective start to treatment, enabling people with rheumatizing immunization to take the lead in the race against the disease, with maximum relief and a healthy life.