Liver cancer, like a silent killer hidden in his body, seriously threatens people’s health. However, if early detection and timely treatment is achieved, there will be a significant improvement in the patient ‘ s prognosis. The following is an introduction to early treatment for liver cancer and the focus of everyday life.
Early treatment for liver cancer is varied and surgical removal is one of the common and more effective methods. The doctor will determine whether the operation is possible on the basis of a combination of the size, location, number and condition of the tumor. The operation was designed to remove the tumour tissue in its entirety and to preserve, as far as possible, normal liver tissue to maintain the essential function of the liver. For example, for some patients with smaller tumours and limited to a certain area of the liver, surgical removal tends to achieve better therapeutic effects.
Hepatotransplantation is also an important option for early liver cancer treatment, especially for patients with severe liver impairments or with tumours that are particularly unsuitable for removal. The root causes of liver pathologies can be addressed through the transplanting of healthy livers, but liver transplants face challenges such as shortages of liver supplies, post-operative immune exclusion responses, requiring rigorous screening of suitable patients and long-term post-operative immunosuppression treatment and close monitoring.
In addition to surgical treatment, partial digestive treatment plays an important role in the early stages of liver cancer. Technologies such as radio-frequency digestion, microwave digestion, and so on are physical means, such as high or low temperatures, that directly affect the oncology tissue and cause tumour cells to die, thus achieving therapeutic purposes. This treatment is relatively small and is a viable alternative for patients who are unfit for surgery or who are in poor physical condition and cannot withstand it.
After early treatment for liver cancer, attention in daily life is essential to prevent relapse and promote physical rehabilitation. The principle of “high proteins, high vitamins, low fats” is followed in diet. More fresh vegetable fruits, such as broccoli and apples, are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and help protect liver cells from free radical damage. At the same time, good-quality proteins, such as skinny meat, fish, beans, etc., are consumed in appropriate quantities to facilitate the rehabilitation and regeneration of liver tissue. Ingestion of alcohol is severely restricted, as it increases the liver burden, has toxic effects on liver cells and increases the risk of re-emergence of liver cancer.
Physical exercise is also essential for early liver cancer patients. Appropriate sports can enhance health and improve immunity, such as walking, Tai Chi, etc. However, care should be taken to avoid overwork, and the strength and time of the exercise should be adjusted over time in accordance with their physical condition.
Regular review is a requirement that early liver cancer patients must strictly observe. In general, the first two years of operation require a review every 3 – 6 months, including examination of liver ultrasound, seroprotein, etc., in order to detect possible signs of recurrence in a timely manner and to take appropriate treatment.
The early stage of liver cancer is not terrible, and as long as patients actively cooperate with doctors for scientifically sound treatment and follow strict care in their daily lives, they can effectively improve the effectiveness of the treatment, extend the duration of their lives and re-enjoy a healthy life. For those at high risk, such as chronic hepatitis B, C, chronic alcoholics, etc., increased vigilance and regular screening for liver cancer, with a view to early detection and treatment.