Early detection and treatment of the early symptoms of stomach cancer and of stomach cancer as one of the malignant tumours threatening human health are essential for increasing the cure rate. However, early symptoms of stomach cancer are often unusual and can easily be confused with other stomach diseases, making diagnosis relatively difficult. Therefore, knowledge of early symptoms and manifestations of stomach cancer and timely medical examination are important measures for the prevention and treatment of stomach cancer. This paper will provide detailed information on the early symptoms and manifestations of stomach cancer and help to raise awareness of early detection and treatment.I. Unwell upper abdomenUnwell upper abdomen is one of the early symptoms of stomach cancer. Due to cancer cell irritation, patients may feel pain or swelling in the abdomen. Such pain is often not apparent, sometimes aggravated after eating and sometimes when it is empty. The level of pain is generally light and can be mistaken for common stomach disorders. As the condition develops, the pain may gradually increase and its duration may be prolonged. Patients may feel a slight saturation or oppression in their abdomen after eating, as a result of stomach cancer causing damage to the stomach mucous membranes, which affects stomach creeping and digestive functions.II. Desperate appetitePatients with stomach cancer often suffer from an appetite disorder. Stomach cancer cells circulate a number of substances, influence neuroregulating and digestive fluids in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to reduced appetite. Patients may find their diet decreasing and their tolerance for irritating foods, such as greasy and spicy. After eating these foods, the patient may suffer from nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. Owing to a lack of appetite, the patient is unable to obtain adequate nutrition, leading to a gradual loss of body weight and weight.III. Disgusting vomitingGross vomiting is also a common symptom of early stomach cancer. Tumour growth occupies the stomach space or causes gastric emptiness, causing food to stay in the stomach for too long a time, which can lead to vomiting. Patients may feel sick soon after eating and then vomit the food they have just eaten. Such symptoms may recur and cause great distress to the life of the patient. Disgusting not only affects a patient ‘ s appetite and nutritional intake, but can also exacerbate symptoms of abdominal discomfort.IV. Weight reductionUnidentified weight loss is another important early symptom of stomach cancer. Stomach cancer affects stomach digestive and absorption functions, resulting in inadequate body nutrition. At the same time, the growth of the tumor also consumes the energy of the body and causes the patient to lose weight. The patient may lose a few pounds or even ten pounds in a short time. As weight decreases, the patient also feels weak and tired, as the body lacks sufficient energy and nutrients to maintain normal physiological functions. Patients may find themselves in a state of infirmity all day, vulnerable to fatigue and unmitigated rest.V. BLOOD AND BLACKPorn and black are the serious symptoms that may be expected in the early years of stomach cancer. As a result of tumours in the stomach hemorrhage, blood mixed with food is excreted through the intestinal tract to form black poop. If haemorrhage is high, it may occur directly. Patients may find their poop color darker, or see blood flowing when they excrete. Stomach haemorrhage is an indication of stomach cancer, which may be caused by tumours that violate the stomach wall vessels. The emergence of these symptoms is a reminder of the seriousness of the patient ‘ s condition and requires further medical examination and treatment in a timely manner.VI. CONTINUESWhen stomach cancer occurs in the stomach door, the patient may feel uneasily fed and then develop into difficulties of swallowing and food reversal. This is due to the tumor blocking the entrance to the stomach, which results in the normal entry of food into the stomach. If the tumor is in the stomach cavity, the nausea is more evident and there may be a cavity barrier, manifested in vomiting overnight food. The difficulty of swallowing not only affects the food and nutritional intake of patients, but may also exacerbate symptoms of abdominal discomfort and weight loss.Other symptomsIn addition to the main symptoms mentioned above, there may be some other symptoms of stomach cancer at an early stage. For example, there has been a sudden change in preferences for food, unknown causes of diarrhoea or constipation, discomfort, etc. These symptoms, although less common than those described above, may also indicate the presence of stomach cancer. Therefore, in the event of these symptoms, the patient should also have timely access to a medical examination.VIII. Inspection and diagnosisPatients suspected of stomach cancer should be examined in a timely manner in order to clearly diagnose them. Stomach lenses are considered the most direct way to diagnose stomach cancer. Through the gastric lens, doctors are able to observe intuitive pathologies and take a biopsy. The pathological biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of stomach cancer and can determine the nature and extent of the disease. In addition, haematological tests and urinal sub-blood tests are common methods of detection. Hematological tests allow for the detection of a decrease in haemoglobin levels in blood routines and an increase in sero-tumour markers, helping to assess the anemia and tumour status of patients. In case of positive divulgation, the test suggests a pathological condition in the stomach.IX. Prevention and careIn order to prevent the occurrence of stomach cancer, it is recommended that good living and eating habits be maintained. Maintain regular rest time, exercise properly and ensure adequate sleep. Avoid overheated overcooled food and reduce the irritation of stomach mucous membranes. Periodic medical examinations are conducted to detect and treat stomach disorders in a timely manner. For high-risk groups, such as those with chronic stomach disease and family history of stomach cancer, stomach lenses should be regularly screened for stomach cancer.Overall, early symptoms and manifestations of stomach cancer are diverse and easily confused with other stomach diseases. Therefore, everyone should be vigilant in observing their own physical changes. In the event of these symptoms, a medical examination should be conducted in a timely manner in order to clearly diagnose them. Early detection and treatment are essential to increasing the rate of treatment for stomach cancer. It was to be hoped that health would be valued so that early detection and treatment could be achieved, free from the threat of stomach cancer.
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