Early symptoms of nasal and nasal cancer
Talk to you today about nasal cancer. It’s a sticky kind of thing. Malignant tumours on the top of the membrane, most of them occurring on the top and side walls of the nose, especially the larvae, are among the most common malignant tumours in the country. In our country, South China has the highest incidence, and the North has a small incidence, mainly related to such factors as infection genetics and the environment. There are significant differences in the human and regional distribution of nasal cancer, with yellows being the group with high levels of nasal cancer, followed by blacks and whites, among the world ‘ s three major species. South China has the highest incidence, while the North is rare. The most recent statistics show that in 2018 there were over 60,000 new diagnoses of nasal cancer in the country, with the male incidence approximately 2.5 times that of women, more than 40-50 years old. Nasal cancer has significant geographical and ethnic differences, and there is a tendency for families to gather and for Chinese to emigrate to low-prevalence areas, where their descendants continue to have a high tendency. Not entirely, snorting snorting is the most common symptom of nasal larvae cancer, including benign diseases, which may also be snorting blood, and not necessarily cancer. Lung or nasal cancer is common, but not necessarily cancer. For example, if a child gets up in the morning with a nosebleed or because of a good diet, a lot of gas can be eaten with blood in it or with blood in it. In the case of haemorrhage, especially in the early morning hours, snot and blood, the first bite is likely to be an early symptom of nasal larynx cancer. Attention must be paid to the need to visit the hospital in a timely manner, in particular to the relevant sections, namely, ear, nose and throat, respiratory and oncology, and to conduct the appropriate medical examinations, and to remove the most common and benign diseases. If a benign disease is all right, it is considered that the examination is combined with the patient ‘ s signs, such as a lymphoma knot in the neck, accompanied by other symptoms, with deafness, abrasions, etc., which may be a nasal cancer. If there are coughing and breathing difficulties when blood is around, it may be symptoms of lung cancer. Esophagus cancer may also have haemorrhage, but blood is on the crotch, and some patients do not know how to distinguish between blood on the crotch and blood in the digestive tract. Consultation with the appropriate doctor is required, and the consultation with the specialist includes examination of the body and the corresponding examination in order to understand the disease. It is therefore important to focus on the problem, but it is important not to cause too much disruption to life and not to be too nervous. Early nasal cancer and early lung cancer can be cured, so face the problem properly. Ear congestion is a symptom of nasal larynx cancer and, if it occurs, the larynx position of the osteal is connected to the external ear. There is an oscillatory blockage of nasal cancer, and the patient may cause swollen ears, ringing ears, and reduced hearing, which are common symptoms of nasal cancer, among which is the sense of strangulation. However, ear blockage is not necessarily a nasal cancer, such as water in the ears and ear inflammation. Symptoms are combined with other related symptoms, such as nose aldicarb blood, especially for the first snot in the morning, or face numbness or headache. A headache is a transfer of the skull of a nasal larvae, and if the lymphoma of the neck is swollen, especially in the upper middle neck, the patient considers it likely to be a nasal cancer. The symptoms cannot be described as the patient ‘ s illness and condition, but the clinical doctor, the specialist must be seen in the appropriate section, with other symptoms or a body examination, and if it is suspected that carcinoma of the nasal, an enhanced MRI of the nasal, etc.
Nasal cancer.