Multiple Myeloma, MM is a malignant tumour originating from a plasma cell, a white cell that produces antibodies in the bone marrow. Multiple osteomenomas are characterized by abnormal growth in plasma cells and the gestation of large amounts of abnormal immunoglobins, leading to symptoms of bone damage, anaemia and kidney damage. Depending on the characteristics of tumour cells and the immunoglobin of the genus, multiple osteomenoma can be divided into the following eight main types:1. IgG multiple osteoporosisThis is the most common type of multiple osteoporosis, accounting for about 70 per cent of all cases. The tumour cells of IgG-based multiple osteomenoma patients are abnormally immunoglobins. Patients often show bone pain, anaemia, repeated infections and incomplete kidneys.2. Multiple osteoporosis IgaThe Iga type multiple osteoporosis is about 20 per cent of all cases. The tumour cell is an abnormal Iga immunoglobin. This type of osteoporosis can lead to high calcium haematosis, kidney damage and starch-forming.3. IgD multiple osteoporosisIgD multiple osteoporosis is relatively rare, accounting for 1-3 per cent of all cases. The tumour cell is an abnormal IgD immunoglobin. Such patients usually suffer from severe kidney impairments and starch changes.4. IgM multiple osteoporosisThe IgM-type multiple osteoporoma is also very rare, with an abnormal IgM immunoglobin. Patients may experience high sticky syndrome, which is a blood circulation disorder due to high sticky blood.5. Light chain multiple osteoporosisLight-chained multiple osteoporosis accounts for about 15-20 per cent of all cases. Tumor cells are mainly charged with an abnormal light chain (100 or 100 per cent) and complete immunoglobins. Such patients may suffer from kidney impairments and starch changes.6. Double-cloned multiple osteoporosisDouble-cloned multiple osteoporosis means the simultaneous tumour cell distribution of two different types of immunoglobin, such as IgG and Iga. This situation is more rare, and diagnosis and treatment are more complex.7. Non-continental multiple osteoporosisThe tumour cells of aminomas are almost non-genocrine immunoglobins, making their diagnosis more difficult. Such patients may be characterized by abnormal growth of plasma cells in bone marrow, but there is no apparent single cloned immunoglobinemia.8. Odd multiple osteoporosisOdd multiple osteoporosis is defined as immunoglobins, such as Ige or IgH, where tumour cells are rare. Such cases are very rare, with clinical performance similar to that of other types, but treatment responses and prognosis may differ.Diagnosis and treatment of multiple osteoporosisThe diagnosis of multiple osteomenoma is usually dependent on blood and bone marrow tests, including seroprotein Electronism, immuno fixation, bone marrow piercing and biopsy. The treatment of multiple osteoporosis includes:Chemotherapy: Use drugs to kill tumor cells.Targeting treatment: treatment of specific molecules of tumour cells.Immunization treatment: use of the patient ‘ s own immune system to attack tumour cells.Hormonal treatment: Use hormones to slow the growth of tumours.Dry cell transplant: Rebuilding the bone marrow and immune system of patients by transplanting healthy stem cells.Multiple osteoporosis is currently incurable, but treatment can control the condition, extend the life span and improve the quality of life. The patient ‘ s prognosis depends on a number of factors, including the stagening of the disease, the age of the patient, the state of health and the treatment response.In summary, multiple osteomenoma is a complex blood malignant tumor with different biological characteristics and clinical manifestations. As medical research progresses, the understanding and treatment of multiple osteomenomas are constantly being updated, providing patients with more treatment options and hope.
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