As we all know, the heart is one of the most important organs of our body, and as our standard of living rises, the incidence of heart disease is also increasing, and it has become a common and more serious threat to our health. Heart disease has also become one of the leading causes of death. So the heart disorder requires that we immediately go to the hospital and what do we do to diagnose heart disease? What kind of heart problems are the individual examinations? Now we’ll talk about a few common heart tests.
General electrocardiograms:
This is the simplest and most common method of unsolved screening. Based on the characteristics of the EKG, it is possible to diagnose the presence of early paces, room transfer retardation, beam retardation, cardiac tremors, cardiac impulses, hysteria, etc., in the event of heart pain, to understand the cause of chest pain, to understand myocardial blood supply, and to conduct a locational diagnosis of myocardial infarction, and dynamically to observe changes in the extent and extent of myocardial hemorrhage, necrosis and death. This type of examination is more likely to detect a problem at the time of the patient ‘ s symptoms, and may be shown as normal electrocardiograms if the gestation period is missed. Since such an examination can only record changes in the electrocardiogram for a short period of time in a quiet state, it is more difficult to diagnose the onset of a cardiac disorder or an amulatory myocardia, and dynamic electrocardiograms (also known as Holter) are required if the patient ‘ s EKG changes are to be continuously monitored.
Dynamic electrocardiograms:
It’s usually a 24-hour dynamic EK map. It is also possible to record changes in EKGs for 48 hours, or even longer, so that the behaviour of EKPs can be captured in a timely manner. This examination can be found in the case of heart disorders and myocardial insemination, both in the case of continuity and in the case of epilepsy. Moreover, the time when the electrocardiogram was changed could be compared with the patient ‘ s activities and symptoms at the time. For persons suffering from fainting, the examination of dynamic electrocardiograms is of major diagnostic value, for example, because of the slowness of the heart disorder that often accompany the onset of fainting. This has significantly increased the rate of detection of epicardiological disorders, short-lived myocardial insemination and expanded the use of electrocardiograms.
iii. Sports tablet electrocardiogram:
It’s to get the testees to move on the tablet to increase the heart load. Patients tested during this process can provide a basis for the diagnosis of a disease if they suffer from a heart attack, such as dysentery and chest pain, and if the EKG of guardianship is significantly altered and the corresponding diagnostic criteria are met.
IV. Myocardial enzyme, BNP (blood extraction test):
Myocardial enzyme spectrometry is one of the important tools for the diagnosis and identification of acute myocardial infarction. Acute heart infarction can be diagnosed clinically on the basis of sequence changes in serum enzyme concentrations and the increase in specific homo-enzymes; BNP is mainly a synthesis and genocinum of cardiac muscle cells, which increases when the heart room is overloaded or expands, and can therefore be used to reflect changes in the heart function, which is one of the most important indicators of incomplete clinical diagnosis.
V. Cardiac color:
Owing to the lack of pain, convenience, reliability and repetitivity, the cardiac color is more widely used than the EKG for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. It provides real-time, intuitive observation of the inner structure of the heart cavity, the morphology of the large blood vessels and the pace, an understanding of the size of the room, the thickness of the wall, the closing of the valve, the open pattern of activity, as well as an indication of the movement of the wall, such as the extent of movement, coordination, and a more accurate determination of the patient ‘ s heart function. In addition to supporting the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, it is also of great value for the diagnosis of congenital heart disease, rheumatism heart disease, cardiac disease, heart failure, etc.
VI. CTA examination of the coronary:
The most direct and relatively reliable method of screening for coronary heart disease is currently available. It can be shown directly under CT by iodine imaging agents, and can detect the narrowness of the coronary artery, as well as the extent, parts and calcification. It can be used for the early diagnosis of coronary heart disease and for the screening of suspicious patients, but it is not sensitive to the smaller blood vessels, while the calcification of the blood vessels can cause some deviation.
VII. Coronary artery:
Under the guidance of an X-ray visualization, an vascular intervention technique is used to establish a route from the patient ‘ s avionic artery, gill artery or femur artery to the coronary artery, where a photocopying agent is injected into the coronary artery, so that the main branch of the heart coronary artery is visible, in order to understand the size of the walking and cavity of the coronary artery, and to determine whether the coronary artery is narrow, narrow in its parts, extent, range, etc. The blood flow of the coronary artery is also known, and can be treated as necessary, such as pharmacological scyte expansion, strangulation, etc. It’s a “gold standard” for coronary heart disease diagnosis. However, the examination method is innovative and involves some risk of complications, but the probability is low.
viii. MMR:
The multi-parametric multi-sequence imaging characteristic allows for a “one-stop” assessment of the anatomical structure of the heart, motor function, myocardial blood flow, tissue composition, etc., which is of significant value in the diagnosis of heart failure, ischaemic myocardiasis, non-ischaemic myocardiasis, and heart valve disease and cardiac engravity. CMR has the advantage of having a soft tissue contrast, free of ionizing radiation, etc., compared to other visual examinations. It has now become an important check-up method to assess cardiac structure and function.