From a nutritional point of view, focus on ulcer.

One of the most common digestive conditions of stomach ulcer is abdominal pain, upper abdominal saturation, nausea, vomiting, etc. Many patients suffer from ulcer-induced discomfort, reduced diet and further malnutrition, anaemia and other diseases. Today, from a nutritional point of view, we focus on ulcer, thus reducing the symptoms of stomach ulcer.

The causes of stomach ulcer diseases, which are mainly caused by the imbalance between gastric mucous lesions and protective factors, include the following:

1. Sphinx infection: this is the most common cause of stomach ulcer. The fungus (Hp) can be attached to the gastric mucous membranes, producing toxins, causing damage to gastric mucous cells, causing gastric acid and gastroprotease to penetrate the mucous membranes and trigger ulcer.

2. Drug factors: The long-term use of certain drugs, such as accelerants (e.g. aspirin, Broven, etc.), increases the risk of stomach ulcer by inhibiting epoxy enzymes of gastric mucous membranes and reducing their protective effects.

3. Dietary factors: eating irregularly, eating intoxicated, overingestion of spicy, greasy foods, etc., can stimulate stomach mucous membranes, resulting in excessive stomach acidization and damage to stomach mucous membranes, which in turn triggers stomach ulcer.

4. Mental factors: Long-term stress and stress can affect the autonomous nervous system, resulting in increased gastro acidization and reduced gastric mucous membrane protection, which induces stomach ulcer.

5. Poor living habits: Both smoking and drinking cause damage to gastric mucous membranes. Tobacco use can increase gastric acidization and reduce the protective effects of the gastric mucous membranes, while alcohol directly stimulates the gastric mucous membranes, leading to gastric mucous membrane damage.

Diagnosis of stomach ulcer

1. Stomach lens: this is the gold standard for the diagnosis of stomach ulcer. The size, location and appearance of the ulcer can be clearly seen through direct observation of the mucus in the stomach through an endoscope. At the same time, a small ulcer tissue can be taken for a biopsy to exclude the possibility of malignant diseases such as stomach cancer.

2. Sphinx test: Since cholesterocella infection is one of the major causes of ulcer in the stomach, it is therefore necessary to conduct cholesterus testing. Common testing methods include urea exhalation tests, antigen testing of excreta and serology.

3. X-ray imaging: X-rays of the ulcer can indirectly show the morphology of the stomach wall and help detect ulcer position and morphological changes. However, it is slightly less accurate than a stomach mirror.

Laboratory examinations: Although not a direct diagnostic tool, laboratory examinations, such as whole blood count and iron-level measurements, help to determine whether there are any complications of stomach ulcer, such as chronic haemorrhage.

In summary, the formation of the stomach ulcer is the result of a combination of factors, while the diagnosis of the stomach ulcer requires a combination of tests to ensure accuracy. If it is suspected that he or she is suffering from ulcer, he or she shall be treated in a timely manner and in accordance with medical instructions.

3. Nutritional dietary guidance for stomach ulcer patients.

1. Adapting diets: The patient should maintain a three-food diet to avoid excessive intervals between meals to avoid causing or exacerbating stomach pain, stomach fever, etc. At the same time, there is a need to avoid diarrhea and to avoid an additional gastrointestinal burden.

2. Easier and more digestive: The diet should be based on fresh and digestible foods, such as porridge, pumpkin porridge and porridge. These foods can reduce excess gastric acidity and thus reduce stomach discomfort.

3. Avoid stimulant foods: Patients should avoid eating spicy hots, barbecues, espresso, tea and irritating foods such as peppers, peppers and mustards, as well as drinking alcohol to avoid irritating gastrointestinal mucous membranes, which can lead to increased conditions.

4. Pay attention to nutritional balance: fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples, spinach, celery, etc., can be eaten more and can supplement the vitamins needed by the body. At the same time, good-quality protein-rich food, such as eggs, milk, etc., can be adequately eaten to supplement the body ‘ s nutritional needs.

5. Controlling diets: Avoiding eating too much food at once, it is possible to reduce the gastrointestinal burden by eating less.