Functional indigestion: the exploration and practice of medium-sized drugs

Do you often feel abdominal discomfort in your daily life, such as pain, burning, or eating a little something that makes you feel full and hungry? If so, you might be suffering from functional indigestion. Indigestion is not a simple “eat indigestion,” it’s actually a more complex set of symptoms. Indigestion is mainly classified as functional indigestion (FD) and instrumental indigestion (OD). The key pathological physiology mechanism for FD is the disorders in the stomach of the intestines and the excessive sensitivity of the internal organs. Imagine that stomachs and 12-finger intestines are like two small processing plants, which can easily cause indigestion symptoms if they are run out of pace or become too sensitive to react with a little irritation. Globally, the incidence of FD is about 10-30%, with different regions and population groups. In our country, the proportion of FF patients in digestive clinics is not low, at 18-45 per cent, and the prevalence among the population is about 20-50 per cent. This means that one out of every five individuals may be being affected by the FD. The quality of life of the FD patients is often severely compromised, and they often experience abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, a lack of food and a mental state. Moreover, prolonged indigestion can easily lead to pessimism. The treatment of FFDs requires a considerable amount of money to buy medicines, which may also affect work in the event of serious illness, leading to a reduction in working capacity and placing a considerable financial burden on patients. FD causes are complex and multifaceted. Gender, age, level of education, etc. are relevant in terms of personal factors. For example, women may become more vulnerable to indigestion at certain times; as age increases, the digestive system becomes less functional and the risk of disease increases for the FD; and the level of education may affect the perception of health and the choice of lifestyle, which is related to the FD. Social factors, social status, the pace of urbanization, marital status, etc. also play a role. For example, the proportion of people living in fast-paced and stressful urban areas suffering from FD may be relatively high; pressure or change in marriage may also affect digestive functions. In addition, a number of disease factors, such as Hp (ghost snail) infection and the long-term use of inflammatory drugs, increase the likelihood of FD. Moreover, the FD is also a mental and physical illness in which mental and psychological factors play an important role. Chronic anxiety, stress, excessive stress, etc. may affect the neurological system ‘ s regulation of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to increased or more likely indigestion symptoms. Diagnostic criteria: The Rome IV standard is based on a well-defined medical standard for the diagnosis of FD, the Rome IV standard. This standard provides that if a person is often saturated after eating, i.e. at a very long time after eating, or if he/she is ill at an early hour, he/she is not able to eat more; he/she has pain in the upper and upper abdomen, the degree and frequency of pain varies from person to person; he/she has a fever in the upper and upper abdomen and feels one or more of the symptoms of spicy in the stomach, and no structural changes in the gastrointestinal tract, e.g. ulcer, tumour, etc., can be diagnosed as functional indigestion. Based on the different manifestations of the symptoms, the FD can be further divided into post-eating discomfort syndrome (PDS) and upper abdominal ache syndrome (EPS). If a person is affected by symptoms of discomfort, i.e. saturation, suffocation, etc., mainly after the meal, it may be PDS; if the pain is the main expression of the upper-middle abdominal pain, the pain is more severe and even affects daily life, it may be EPS. The clarification of these classifications helps doctors to better diagnose and treat. Conventional treatment: a comprehensive approach to improving symptoms. The first is to adjust the way of life, which is a very important basic treatment. Patients are advised to eat a small amount of extra meals to avoid eating too much food at a time, placing an excessive burden on the stomach. To minimize the consumption of high-fat foods, such as fried foods, fat meat, etc., because of the indigestion of high-fat foods, the tendency to stay in the stomach for too long and the symptoms of abdominal swelling. At the same time, it is important to stay away from coffee, alcohol, smoking and inflammation drugs (NSAIDS). Coffee can stimulate gastric acidity and increase stomach discomfort; alcohol has an irritation effect on gastric mucous membranes, which can cause problems such as gastric inflammation; smoking can affect the blood circulation and neurological regulation of the gastrointestinal tract; and non-ephthalmic antiinflammants can cause damage to the gastric mucous membranes, leading to increased indigestion symptoms. For Hp infected patients, the eradication of Hp is an important treatment. Hp is a bacteria living in the stomach, which can damage the protective barrier of the gastric mucous membranes and cause stomach inflammation, leading to indigestion, etc. Depending on the patient’s specific circumstances, doctors use appropriate drug treatment programmes to eradicate Hp. In addition, drug treatment is a common method. Acidic acids can reduce gastric acidization, as well as the symptoms of heart and stomach pain caused by excess gastric acids; power-driven drugs can promote gastrointestinal creeping, help digest foods, and reduce abdominal and early saturation symptoms; and antidepressants can also provide a level of supportive treatment for patients with psychosomatic factors, such as anxiety and depression, to improve the symptoms of indigestion by regulating the functioning of the nervous system. The study of cylindrical pain particles provides new options for patients in a variety of FF treatments, among which the study of cyllal pain particles for EPS gives cause for concern. The combination of guacamole pellets is not an easy one. It is based on the classic Chinese doctor’s “Gold Sing Sing” (main ingredients Yenhuso, Kawakawa) and “Liu Guangmaru” (main ingredients Ying Company, Wu Ju) and was refined by our late famous Chinese medical practitioner, Dong Hua, in the light of years of rich clinical experience. Dong Jianhua has a high reputation in the field of spleen stomach disease treatment in Chinese medicine, and his classic theories, such as the “breath theory” “false theory”, have far-reaching implications for the treatment of spleen stomach disease in Chinese medicine. The Yenhuso in the “Gold Sing” have active haematological and painkilling effects, and the Kawazu can falsify his liver for pain. The two odours are paired with each other and have a good effect on the pain relief; the yellow cologne in the “Little Geumballs” provides a pyrolytic detoxification, inhibits gastric acidization, and Wu Ju’s cold for pain and inflammation, both of which complement each other and are not well regulated to the stomach. On this basis, the cylindrical pellets have been added to the fragrances of the larvae, fragrances, fragrances, wine and yellow, seagulls and fragrances. The combination of these drugs has enabled the acheal pain particles to function with aerobic blood and stomach pain, especially for stomach pain caused by ambulatory haematosis and chronic stomach disease-related symptoms. For example, when a person suffers from a lack of temperament, or from haematosis due to food irregularities, which causes stomach pain and swelling, etc., it can be better treated. Pharmacology studies, modern pharmacology studies, have explored in depth the mechanisms for the operation of cylindrical stomach pain particles. The study found that it plays an active role in the gastrointestinal tract in many ways. In gastric fluid regulation, it increases the pH value of the stomach fluid, reduces the acidity of the stomach fluid, inhibits gastric acidity and total acidity, and also inhibits gastroprotease activity, thus reducing the irritation of stomach acid and gastroprotease to the gastric mucous membranes, as a means of repairing and protecting the gastric mucous membrane damage. It’s like putting a “protective coat” on a stomach mucus to prevent excess gastric acid erosion. In terms of pain relief, the cylindrical stomach pain granules have a significant stinging effect on the body and are effective in reducing the stomach pain symptoms of patients. For gastrointestinal convulsions, it also has a discomfort, when the gastrointestinal tract is convulsed for various reasons, causing pain, abdominal swelling, etc., which can help to alleviate the convulsions and restore the creeping and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanism of its role also involves a number of complex elements. For example, in promoting gastrointestinal power, formulations such as fragrance and yellow play an important role in accelerating gastrointestinal creeping and helping to better digest and drain food. In the fight against Hp, some of the drugs such as Yellow Company and Wu Jules have shown some efficacy in curbing the growth and reproduction of Hp and reducing the damage to the stomach caused by Hp infection. At the same time, larvae gastric pain particles may also regulate intestinal strains and maintain intestinal microecological balance, which is also important for overall digestive improvement. In addition, it improves the high sensitivity of the internal organs and regulates the brain-intestinal axles. Brain – The intestinal axle is like an “information highway” connecting the brain and the gastrointestinal tract, which, when the axis is dysfunctional, can cause the gastrointestinal tract to become overly sensitive to various irritation, indigestion, etc. The cylindrical pain particles improve the symptoms of indigestion by adjusting the brain-intestine axial function to restore the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, fragrance helps to regulate the effect of moods on the gastrointestinal tract; fragrances – Buddhist hands are antidepressants that improve the axial function, increase the neurotransmittance content, further regulate the neuroregulating function of the gastrointestinal tract, and make gastrointestinal digestion and absorption more compatible. A multi-centre, double-blind, placebo parallel clinical trial was conducted to verify the effectiveness and safety of the functional indigestion of the abdominal pain granule treatment. The study was carried out in multiple hospitals and included a large number of eligible patients to ensure the reliability and universality of the results. The criteria for inclusion are so strict that the patient must meet the Western medical criteria for the diagnosis of functional digestive disorders for abdominal pain syndrome, i.e., a clear abdominal pain and a certain level of pain is assessed through a visual simulation (VAS) rating (VAS 4), in order to ensure that the patient included does have a more severe abdominal pain syndrome. At the same time, the age of the patient is between 18 and 65 years, which covers the majority of the FD patients, and the patient needs to meet the specific Chinese medical certificate type to ensure that the cylindrical stomach pain particles can be treated for their causes. During the experiment, patients were randomly divided into two groups, patients in the test group were given gill stomach pain particles, and people in the placebo group were given placebos that looked the same as gill stomach pain particles but did not actually treat them. Both groups of patients took their medications in the form of flushing, 5 g each, 3 times a day, and the entire treatment lasted 6 weeks. Such a research design would minimize the impact of subjective and other interference factors on the results of the study, thus accurately assessing the efficacy of the tummy pain particles. The findings are encouraging. In the main therapeutic performance indicators, six weeks later, the clinical effectiveness of abdominal abdominal ache is as high as 85.59 per cent for bells, compared to 28.33 per cent for placebos, which is much more effective than for placebos, indicating a significant advantage in abdominal abdominal ache relief. In terms of secondary indicators, the upper abdominal pain intensity VAS rating values for bellhead patients, the number of days of reduced onset frequency, the rate of loss of pain and the decline in the FD clinical rating values are better than the placebo group. For example, the greater decrease in the upper abdominal pain strength of the bell group VAS points to a greater degree of pain relief; a greater reduction in the frequency of onset, which means a significant reduction in the number of abdominal pains; a higher rate of loss of pain, which shows that more patients have effective control of pain symptoms; and a more marked decline in the FD clinical rating, which reflects a better overall improvement in digestive symptoms. In addition, the use of magnesium aluminum carbonate (a commonly used medicine to alleviate stomach disorders) during the experiment was 7.63 per cent, significantly lower than that of the placebo group of 24.37 per cent, which is further evidence of the better control of the symptoms of patients in the treatment process and the reduction of dependence on other assistive drugs. In terms of safety, there are no statistical differences in the incidence of adverse incidents between the two groups of patients, which indicates that the safety of the stomach ache particles is comparable to that of the placebo. Only 1 case of a diarrhea reaction and no serious adverse event occurred in the belling group, which suggests that the cylindrical stomach pain particles are relatively safe and reliable during treatment and can be used more comfortably. The impact of functional indigestion as a common chronic disease is complex and involves a variety of aspects, including lifestyle, mental state, disease infection and drug use. The cylindrical stomach pain particles show good efficacy and safety in the treatment of functional indigestion on abdominal pain syndrome, providing many patients with a new and effective treatment option. However, it is also clear to us that the treatment of the FD cannot depend solely on one drug, but also requires the development of individualized treatments that take into account a combination of the individual differences, living habits, mental state, etc. of the patient. In the future, there is a need for further in-depth study of the FD ‘ s morbidity mechanisms and for more effective treatments, particularly in the areas of the role of Chinese medicine and the joint application of drugs, in the hope that more accurate and effective treatment will be provided to FD patients to help them to improve their quality of life and to escape from indigestion. Other specific intestine irritable syndrome or functional intestinal disease