General medicine for osteoporosis

The main categories of anti osteoporosis drugs are as follows:

Bone absorption inhibitor.

• Dimethyl phosphate

• This is a more widely applied class of drugs in the current clinical context. For example, sodium alonthate is less used in oral life and must be delivered with 200 – 300ml of water in an empty abdominal state, and cannot feed and sleep for at least half an hour after taking the medication in order to reduce the irritation of the edible. The main treatment is for post-menopausal osteoporosis, male osteoporosis and osteoporosis induced by sugary hormonal hormones. • Aphrodisiac acid is a pulsating bi-acrylic acid, which is given only once a year and is injected into the human body by an intravenous drip, which significantly reduces the risk of vertebrate and hip fractures

• Calcium reduction

• Directly inhibiting the activity of broken bone cells and reducing bone absorption, together with central stinging. Salmon calcium, for example, has both injections and nose sprays. Injective analgesic effects are more pronounced and are often used with osteoporosis patients with acute osteoporosis; nasal sprays are easier to use and patient dependence may be better.

• estrogen

• Estrogen inhibits bone absorption by broken bone cells. However, the long-term use of estrogens may increase the risk of uterine and breast cancer. There are now more estrogen receptors, such as Lerosoven, which act as estrogens in certain tissues (e.g. bones, liver) and do not act as estrogens in breast and uterus, reducing the risk of vertebrae fractures.

• Land saturation

• A single cloned antibody that reduces bone absorption by preventing the formation, survival and functioning of broken bone cells. Injecting under the skin every six months can effectively increase bone density and reduce the risk of fracture. Bone formation catalyst

• Thyroid hormone analogue

• In the name of Tripapine, it is the only drug that currently promotes bone formation by stimulating bone cell activity. Underthe skin injection is usually used once a day, and treatment usually does not last more than 24 months, as long-term use may increase the risk of osteoma.

Other drugs

• Active vitamin D and its analogues

• Osteroid triol is active vitamin D, which can function directly without hepato-renal hydrosis and promotes intestinal calcium absorption and regulates bone metabolism. Alpha osteoporosis requires hepatohydrosis to function. These drugs can be used in conjunction with calcium and are used to treat various types of osteoporosis, in particular old age osteoporosis and kidney osteoporosis.

• Calcium

• Calcium is the primary drug for osteoporosis, such as calcium carbonate, calcium calcium acrylic acid, etc. Calcium carbonate is high in calcium, but it requires the involvement of the stomach acid to be better absorbed, so it is best taken after the meal; calcium calcium calcium acrylic is not dependent on the stomach acid and is suitable for people with stomach acid deficiency.