The brain, the most sophisticated, and most important, command of the body, controls our words, our deeds, our thoughts and our emotions. Yet there is a disease like the hidden “storm” that threatens the peace of the brain, which is meningitis. Although it is not often referred to by the general public, it can have serious consequences if it occurs, and therefore a better understanding of meningitis is essential to protect itself and the health of its family. Meningitis, Invisible Invader in the brain. Meningitis is not the disease of the brain itself, but the inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord after the pathogen is “hit”. The membrane, like a “protective membrane” placed on the central nervous system, is a three-tiered layer of the hard membrane, the spider membrane and the soft membrane that binds the brain to the surface and the spinal cord and is supposed to be a solid defence for the central nervous system. “Inhabitants” such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, with “means” to break through the immune barrier to humans and enter the membranes, where they breed and breed to trigger the “alerts” of the immune system, cause inflammation, such as floods, which impregnate the brain, edema and dramatically increase the stress within the skull, thereby oppressing the immediate brain tissue and nerves and disrupting the normal functioning of the brain. Where did Meningitis’s “guilty” come from?The fungus “dark silos”: meningitis pneumocococcal is a common “mixer” of bacterial meningitis, which is “generous” and often lurks in the nasal of a healthy person, like “stalkies” hidden in the shadows, when people are less immune — such as overwork, cold, and when they break through their throats to defend themselves, along the nose-spirited nerve or blood cycle, to the straight end of the brain, causing an outbreak of epidemic meningitis in a short period of time, especially in densely populated places such as schools, military camps, etc.The virus “invented”: intestinal viruses “activated abnormalities” at the summer fall festival, which are not satisfied with the “snail” intestinal tract as they enter the body’s intestinal tract with an unclean diet, and by their own particular structure, they are able to cross the intestinal wall, blend into the blood cycle and eventually reach the “campaign” of the brain, leading to viral meningitis, which is common to children’s groups and leaves parents in a position to resist. The simple herpes virus, which is like a “slugger”, remains in the neurological section, and is activated when the body is immune to an imbalance caused by, among other things, late-night, stress, etc., a “reverse-up” of the nerve, which causes herpesic meningitis.The fungi “silently breeds”: in the long-term use of antibiotics, sugar-coated hormones, or of immuno-deficiency diseases, such as AIDS, the human immune system “suspensively” and the fungi in the environment, such as the Conservatory Bacillus, tends to enter the human body from the respiratory tract, slowly “root” in the lungs, and then, through the blood cycle “long walk” to the brain, causes a silent outbreak of fungi meningitis, invisibility and slow progress, and is initially susceptible to neglect, often causing considerable damage to the brain when symptoms become apparent. Meningitis is “distressed” and the body rings the “alarm” In cases of meningitis, the symptoms are diverse and tendentious. Headaches are often “foreheads”, unlike common headaches, which are like an expanding “air balloon” inside the skull, a severe swelling pain, and, as the disease progresses, accompanied by spray vomiting, the patient is suffering from an uncontrolled outburst of stomach contents. The fever is also weak and the temperature rises rapidly, to as high as 39°C or higher, and it continues to be “high and undefended” like a “flaming fire” in the body that cannot be extinguished. As a result, the mental state has changed, the patient has become sleepy, restless, unconscious and severely unconscious, as if the brain was covered by fog and lost control of the body. Some of the patients also have stiff necks, which make it difficult to keep their heads down and head up, as if they had a “lock” on their neck, which is typical of the irritation of the brain. Infants and young children suffer from meningitis, which is more confusing, and may be limited to crying, breast-rejecting, and a rise in the door, which can be delayed by parents ‘ lack of attention. Secured lines against meningitis “invasive” In order to prevent meningitis, routine prevention is crucial. Maintain good personal hygiene practices, wash hands and reduce hand-to-mouth transmission; cover mouths and noses with paper towels while coughing and sneezing, and prevent foam from spreading pathogens. The diet focuses on hygiene, especially during the high intestinal virus season, without the consumption of cold food and with the protection of “entry gates”. Regularity, moderate motion, and the maintenance of a comfortable mood, which strengthens the immune system and allows the fungus to “sweetly drill”. For groups such as children, students and others, the timely vaccination of the encephalitis vaccine, the Ebs vaccine, etc., is an effective prevention of meningitis caused by specific bacteria, as is the wearing of “protective clothing” on the brain. In human-intensive sites, take care to get air out of the air and dilute the levels of pathogens. In case of suspected meningitis symptoms, it is necessary to compete for a second to be sent to a doctor, to be diagnosed by means of vertebrae perforation, etc., and to provide timely and targeted treatment, to disperse the “mud” of meningitis and to protect the brain “fortress”.
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