Proximate spinal disease is a chronic inflammation disease that primarily affects the spinal column and the hip joint, leading to pain, rigidity and restricted activity. It is impossible to cure the disease, but through effective management and treatment, the disease can be controlled and the quality of life improved.The following are guidelines for the mitigation and rehabilitation of cases: I. Medical intervention, 1. Drug treatment: non-paralytic anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce pain and inflammation; persons who progress with the disease require anti-ventilative drugs, such as ammonium butterflies, nitrous sulfon, etc.; biological agents can target inflammatory factors, with significant therapeutic effects, but risk and suitability are assessed prior to use. Physicotherapy: Ultra-short wave, heat dressing, massage, etc. can improve local blood circulation and relieve muscle convulsions and pain; towed can correct spinal deformities and increase joint activity; rehabilitationists develop individualized sports programmes, such as swimming, yoga, Prati, etc., can enhance core muscle and spinal stability.II. Lifestyle adjustment, 1. Correct position: Standing up with a chest and maintaining a natural spinal curve; sitting on the right side, choosing a table and chair with the right height, with the same knee and buttocks, with support in the waist; sleeping on a hardbed, with a thin pillow under the knee while you are on the back and maintaining a straight spine while you are on the side. 2. Regularity: sufficient sleep for physical recovery and inflammation to recede, recommended 7 – 8 hours per night; to avoid remaining in the same position for long periods of time and to move and stretch at regular intervals. 3. Healthy diets: balanced diets with increased intake of vegetables, vegetables, whole grains, skinny meat, fish and nutritional support; reduced intake of high sugar, fat and salt foods to avoid aggravated inflammation; some patients may benefit from specific dietary adjustments, such as a diet free of beryllium, subject to professional assessment and guidance.Psychological adjustment: Strong straight spinal disease is a long-term disease, and patients are prone to anxiety, depression, etc., affecting their condition and recovery. It is recommended to actively deal with diseases, to learn about them, to communicate with family, friends and patients, to relieve psychological stress and, if necessary, to seek professional psychological counselling and treatment.Periodic review: periodic visits to hospitals to monitor changes in medical conditions and adverse medical effects. The doctor adjusts the treatment to the results of the examination to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Blood routines, blood sank, C reaction protein, liver and kidney function, and video screening are generally reviewed every 3 – 6 months.The direct spinal disease patients can effectively reduce their condition, promote rehabilitation and improve their quality of life through comprehensive medical interventions, lifestyle adjustments, psychological support and regular review. Active treatment and self-management can live in harmony with disease and live full lives. Proximate spinal disease is a longer-term disease, and patients may suffer from negative feelings of anxiety, depression, etc. as a result of the pain caused by the disease, restricted mobility, etc. These emotions may further affect the state of the disease, so learn to adapt and actively face the disease. It is possible to communicate more with families, friends or to join patient support groups and to exchange incentives.
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