Hair Circumcosis

Circumcosis is what we often call the “rooster skin”, which is a chronic, cystaltic caricular skin disease characterized by a herd of cystals or caricular rashes, associated with genetic factors, childhood morbidity, peaks in adolescence, generally unconscious symptoms, and occasional mild itching. The disease occurs on the cheek, the upper stretch, the outside of the thigh and the buttock, with a sense of roughness, a general needle size, skin colour or light brown, a dense distribution without integration, an accelerator at the top, a red spot around a fur bag of varying degrees, with obvious seasonal characteristics, often heavy in winter and light in the summer. The single-out use of wet-moistures or viarate cream can improve symptoms, but the efficacy of the treatment is very limited and time-consuming. Today, we are here to present a relatively milder and more effective treatment — the chord exchange. The so-called “goic acid” is a widespread natural organic acid in nature, which is commonly referred to as fruit because it is mostly extracted from fruit, glycol acid extracted from sugar cane, which is the smallest relative molecular volume, high skin relativeity and strength, and smaller skin damage, causing controlled destruction and stripping of skin. In the field of medicine, it is now widely used for the treatment of aberrational skin diseases, such as choreography and scabies. This means that, through the treatment of fruitic acid, heaps of horny cell formation accumulated at the opening of the fur bag can be eased, caricular caricature anomalies can be corrected, accelerations of the horny form of the cell metabolism can be activated, so that the skin of the skin can be updated or rebuilt and the “rooster skin” improved. The following is a comparison of the effects of the treatment: well, it is for everyone to come here today, with more details and attention, and you are welcome to visit our dermatology section for on-site consultations.