Hazard from complications of infection of persons with severe brain infarction
Brain infarction is a serious cerebrovascular disease, and patients with severe cerebral infarction often face a number of challenges, among which the occurrence of infection complications poses a great risk to the patient.
1. Direct physical harm to the patient, 1. Respiratory system infection, severe brain infarction due to long bed rest, reduced cough reflection, inoculation of respiratory genre, and lung infection. Pulmonary infections can lead to cases of cough, cough, fever, severe respiratory difficulties, low oxygen haematosis and even respiratory failure. Respiratory infections further exacerbate the patient ‘ s condition, prolong hospitalization and increase medical costs. At the same time, the infection may also lead to an increase in the brain infarction symptoms of the patient and affect the recovery of the nervous function. 2. Infection of the urology system, severe brain infarction for long periods of bed rest, etc., is prone to urination difficulties, urine retention, and low immunity of the patient, as well as infection of the urology system. Infections of the urinary system can be manifested in symptoms such as urinary frequency, excrement, urinary pain and, in serious cases, serious complications such as kidney renal inflammation and sepsis. Infections of the urinary system not only cause physical pain to the patient, but may also affect the patient ‘ s kidney function and aggravate the patient ‘ s condition. 3. Skin infections, severe brain infarction due to prolonged bed rest, local skin pressure, and prone to concussion. Once the scabies are formed, they are susceptible to re-infection, resulting in skin ulcer, bad death, etc. Skin infections not only affect the healing of a patient ‘ s wounds, but may also cause a general infection and endanger the life of the patient.
The effects on the patient’s nervous system 1. Increased neuro-functional deficiencies, complications of infection leading to physical stress and the release of a large number of inflammatory media. These inflammatory media can cause damage to the nervous system and increase the nervous deficiency of the patient. For example, infection can lead to increased awareness of the patients, increased physical paralysis, increased speech impairment, etc. An increase in the lack of neurological function can further affect the ability of the patient to provide for himself/herself and his/her rehabilitation, placing a heavy burden on the patient and the family. 2. Increased risk of epilepsy is associated with the risk of epilepsy among persons with severe cerebral infarction, and the occurrence of infection complications further increases the likelihood of epilepsy. An epilepsy can cause not only physical harm to the patient, but also further deterioration of the patient ‘ s condition and even life risk.
The psychological impact on the patient 1. Anxieties and depression, with severe brain infarction patients themselves facing physical dysfunctions and reduced self-care capacity, and the emergence of complications of infection complicates the patient ‘ s condition and makes treatment more difficult. These factors can place a great deal of psychological stress on patients, leading to emotional problems such as anxiety and depression. Anxieties and depression can affect the patient ‘ s dependence on treatment and the effectiveness of rehabilitation, and prolong the patient ‘ s recovery. 2. Loss of confidence and hope, the recurrence of infection complications and the difficulty of treatment can lead patients to lose confidence in treatment and despair about the future. This negative mentality affects the patient ‘ s resilience and reduces his/her quality of life.
The impact on the family and society, 1. The burden on the family increases, and the treatment of the complications of infection of persons with severe cerebral infarction requires significant medical costs and human resources. The family of the patient spends a great deal of time and energy caring for the patient, which can place a heavy financial and psychological burden on the family. At the same time, the precarious state of the patient ‘ s condition can place enormous psychological stress on the family and affect its harmony and stability. 2. The consumption of socio-medical resources and the treatment of the complications of infection of persons with severe cerebral infarction require a large amount of medical resources, including beds, medical personnel, medicines, etc. This will put a great strain on socio-medical resources and affect the needs of other patients.
In the light of the above, the risk of complications from severe brain infarction is multifaceted. In order to reduce the occurrence of infectious complications and to improve the treatment and quality of life of patients, we need to take a range of preventive measures, including increased care for patients, increased immunity of patients and rational use of antibiotics. At the same time, patients and their families need to actively cooperate with doctors in their treatment, maintain optimism and work together to combat disease.