Ankylosing Spondylitis, AS, is a chronic, active, inflammatory disease that affects, inter alia, the spinal column, the hip and the surrounding joints. The disease is characterized by pain, rigidity and the possible evolution of the disease into a straight and deformity of the spinal column due to inflammation of the joints and the spinal column. In addition, forced vertebrates may overwhelm other organs, such as eyes, lungs and the heart, with serious effects on the daily lives and health of patients. Strong straight spinal disease is one of the most common diseases in the rheumatism immune system and can be diagnosed with strong straight spinal disease if either of the following conditions are met and any of the first three articles are added:
1. The lumbar vertebrae is restricted in its forward, side and backward movement.
2. The pain in the lower back lasts for at least three months and the pain improves with activity, but the rest does not abate.
3. The chest profile extension is smaller than normal values of the same age and sex.
4. Double-sided hysteria II-IV, or single-sided hyena III-IV.
Population and early symptoms:
The direct spinal disease is good for young people aged 20-30, many of whom are beginning to lose their attention, and it is too late to be diagnosed. Early symptoms of the onset of the disease are not particularly typical and are hidden, often occurring among young men, often from the bottom up, often accompanied by other diseases, such as arthritis, conjunctivitis and heart-transmission retardation.later effects and genetic relations:At an advanced stage, patients are vulnerable to disability and affect their ability to work, and have a high genetic chance of being closely related to HLA-B27 in blood.
Lifestyle adjustment and preventive measures:
1. Maintain the appropriate position: avoid maintaining the same position for long periods and reduce the pressure on the spinal column. All positions, such as sitting, standing, walking, walking, etc., need to be kept in mind, so as to avoid bending over for long periods and sleeping at night to avoid condescending positions.
2. A reasonable diet: Ingestion of foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, such as skinny meat, eggs, soybeans, etc., helps to improve the body and reduce symptoms. Avoiding smoking and alcohol and reducing negative physical effects.
3. Moderate exercise: Increased exercise, such as swimming, chest expansion, etc., can increase the activity and flexibility of the spinal column and prevent its deformation. Avoid inactivity in spinal movements, such as cycling.
4. Psychotherapy: Mandatory polio is a chronic disease with long duration and repeated symptoms that can easily cause stress and anxiety. Psychotherapy helps patients adjust their mentalities, enhance their confidence and better cope with disease.
5. Prevention of infection: Infections in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts often lead to a recurrence of the disease, so attention should be paid to the hygiene of the diet and to the availability of water.
Correct drug use and periodic review:Patient spinal diseases usually require long-term drug control, and should be reviewed periodically, in accordance with medical instructions, so that doctors can understand the effects of treatment and adjust treatment programmes in a timely manner. In addition, medications such as scaffolded capsules and nitrous sulfur intestines are required to help control progress. Patients should be regularly reviewed in hospitals, including blood protocol, C-reaction protein, X-rays, CT tests, etc., which helps to understand the control of diseases and to detect and treat anomalies in a timely manner. In addition, rehabilitation training and day-to-day management should be provided to improve the quality of life and recovery.In short, compulsory vertebrates, although a chronic disease, can effectively control the condition, reduce complications and improve the quality of life through reasonable lifestyle adjustments, the correct use of medicines and periodic reviews. Straight spinalitis.