Health education for breast cancer
First, the basic concept of breast cancer, including its type, stage and possible causes, should be explained to the patient. Breast cancer is a common malignant tumour in women, caused by the uncontrolled growth of mammogram cells. The importance of regular screening was emphasized, especially for high-risk groups, including women with family history. Through a better understanding of the basic knowledge of the disease, the patient has better understood his or her condition and reduced fear and anxiety about the disease. ii. A detailed description of the treatment of breast cancer, including surgery, treatment, chemotherapy, endocrinology, target treatment, etc., is given below: Post-operative facial care requires careful observation, as does the catheters. Emancipation: It reduces local relapse rates and further removes cancer cells to control the condition. Patients should be informed of the expected effects and possible side effects of treatment and chemotherapy and taught how to prepare and respond to treatment. Endocrine treatment and target-oriented treatment: Suitable treatments are selected to achieve patient-specific effects, depending on the patient ‘ s pathology type and disease stage. III. Lifestyle adjustment Since obesity is one of the risk factors for the recurrence of breast cancer, maintaining healthy weight is essential. Patients are encouraged to engage in regular physical exercise, such as walking, yoga, swimming, etc., to enhance physical and mental health. At the same time, it is necessary to get up early and avoid the need to stay up late, and to ensure sufficient sleep time in order to improve their habits. Self-monitoring and review Patients are able to detect changes in their condition in a timely manner and are treated effectively through self-monitoring and regular review. V. AD management educates patients on how to cope with the common side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, loss and inactivity. (c) Provide nutritional and lifestyle advice to mitigate the discomfort caused by treatment. Attention is also given to the mental state of the patients, who are provided with the necessary psychological support and counselling. Prevention and care Prevention: Building good lifestyles, regular living, avoiding staying up late, maintaining pleasure and reducing psychological stress. Long-term excessive drinking of alcohol is prohibited and the distance from radioactive material is maintained on a daily basis. It is the right practice to develop good eating habits and to adhere to breastfeeding, which can help reduce the incidence of breast cancer. For women at high risk of breast cancer, such as those with a family history of breast cancer or a genetic mutation of breast cancer, the frequency of medical examinations is increased. Care: Post-operative care includes dietary adjustment, high-protein ingestion, low-fat sugar food intake; proper functional exercise, such as finger climbing, hair combing, etc.; sleep quality maintained; attention to brakes with a side upper arm to avoid excessive exercise; mental encouragement and support to patients to increase confidence in overcoming the disease.