The heart is a pump that collects and discharges blood, and it also drives the movement of blood in the blood vessels to ensure that it reaches the body. When heart muscle damage occurs or the heart load increases, the blood function of the heart is reduced, the heart output is reduced to meet the needs of tissues and organs, and the blood in tissues and organs cannot be effectively returned to the heart, which we call heart failure and heart failure. The heart failure will take a series of anaerobics. We often ignore the protection of the heart in our daily lives, resulting in an increased risk of heart failure, which is increasing among young people, even though it occurs mainly among older groups. Most people don’t know much about heart failure, but it’s kind of different, you know? Let me give you what kind of heart failure can be.I. Based on the rate of incidence(i) Acute heart failureIt is defined as a sudden occurrence or sudden increase in heart failure, usually caused by acute hemodynamic disorders, sudden increase in chronic heart failure, acute heart injury or necrosis. They are characterized by acute and serious conditions, which often pose a threat to the health and safety of patients. This requires attention and timely rescue.(ii) Chronic heart failureIt refers to a continuing and stable state of heart failure, which is more associated with high blood pressure, cardiac valve abnormalities, which can lead to deterioration, loss of pay, etc., often with symptoms such as oedema and intravenous silt.II. Changes in heart constriction, condensation function in the event of heart failure(i) Constrictive heart failureIt refers to heart failure caused by a reduction in heart constriction functional impairments and heart drains, which are often combined with obstructive haematological insufficiency and, after the disease, the patient suffers from oedema, respiratory difficulties, increase in the left heart chamber, and weakness.(ii) Comfortable heart failureThis occurs in connection with the loss of left-heart convulsion function and reduction of myocardial dysentery, loss of myocardial scalability, reduction of the pace of the heart and reduction of the blood count, often following diseases such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, rapid room hyperactivity.III. Left heart failure according to location of occurrence (i)Left heart failure is more common in clinical terms, mainly due to a lack of symmetry in the left heart room, a lack of a full-scale link to high blood pressure, a narrow aortic valve caused by coronary heart disease, the closure of the aortic valve and the closure of a secondary valve, the appearance of respiratory difficulties, dizziness, fatigue, etc. following a disease, and some relief after a seating break; an increase in the disease can lead to tremors in the lung and bronchial mucous membrane, which in turn results in coughing, coding and other symptoms, such as heart-borne asthma, if the patient is in serious condition.(ii) Right heart failureIt occurs in connection with right-heart convulsion, constrictive function disorders, and heart-out function disorders. The disease is associated with increased pulmonary artery stress and overloading of the right heart after left heart failure; some patients suffer from the disease as a result of the combination of acute pulmonary heart disease, which is associated with a high degree of cervical dysentery and cervical dysentery, which results in the death of the heart-borne pulmonary infarction and cirrhal cirrhosis in the pulmonary part of the cavity, resulting in a lack of safety.(iii) Whole-hearted failureEnormous heart failure means that the patient’s left heart and right heart suffer simultaneously from heart failure, which is more related to the right heart failure followed by left heart failure, and lowers the right heart blood flow after the right heart failure, which can alleviate some of the respiratory difficulties caused by left heart failure.IV. Cardiac blood count based on heart failure(i) Cardiocardial failure of the HBCThis type of heart failure is associated with thyroid hyperactivity, pregnancy, anaemia, vitamin B1 deficiency, among other factors, which accelerates the rate of blood circulation and leads to increased blood circulation in the heart, resulting in an increase in the load as a result of overloading of the heart, and an increase in the heart output compensation, which leads to a lack of myocardial energy and subsequent disease.(ii) Cardiac failure of the low-heart drainIts occurrence is related to the impairment of myocardial convulsion, with lower heart output at the onset of the disease. Diseases such as cardiacitis, cardiac disease, cardiac valve disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease often occur after the onset of the disease, and patients suffer from signs of reduced appetite and vomiting.Clinical symptoms based on heart failure(i) Subclinical heart failureAlso known as negative heart failure, often occurs at an early stage of heart failure, at a time when the heart function has deteriorated in the patient, but there are no visible symptoms or signs and there is a risk of omission.(ii) Clinical heart failureObvious symptoms and signs, such as respiratory difficulties, short-temperature and haematoma in the liver.SummaryCardiac failure can be divided into different types depending on the basis of which it is based, although it requires treatment that combines the patient ‘ s specific condition to ensure its effectiveness.
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