“Heart” – the risk of heart loss

The “heart” is the protection of the heart from cardiovascular disease, which refers to heart or vascular disease. The Chinese Report on Cardiovascular Health and Diseases, published in July this year, states that there are approximately 330 million people suffering from cardiovascular diseases in China and that the rate of morbidity is steadily increasing and that it is the leading cause of death in urban and rural areas. As can be seen from the report, cardiovascular disease is one of the greatest threats to the health of our population, and every one of us needs to do so by avoiding or defeating cardiovascular disease.1. Non-resistance factors(1) AgeAge is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, mediocre and heart failure, tend to grow with age, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially among males over 45 or females over 55.(2) GenderBecause of the protective effect of estrogens, women tend to be more serious than men because of the relatively early onset of the disease, but after the menopause there is no umbrella and the age of the disease is relatively late.(3) GeneticSome cardiovascular diseases are inherited. High blood pressure has a significant family concentration and 60 per cent of high blood pressure patients have family history. The family history of coronary heart disease is a strong independent risk factor, which can increase by 2-3.9 times. Fatty myocardiosis is a common chromosome genetic heart disease.2. Changing factors — bad lifestyles(1) Poor eating As the standard of living improves, the variety of modern foods is vast, but their quality is a matter of concern. Cardiovascular systems are seriously threatened by various types of oils, salty and additive-rich platters, often overdosed with a “nutrient” flag.(2) Poor sleep Long periods of lateness and irregularity can lead to hormonal levels and rhythm anomalies, endocrine disorders, increased vascular contractions, high blood pressure, high blood resin, fat liver, obesity, and blood sugar abnormalities.(3) Bad exercise The most common working-life situation for the majority of people is long-suspensive low motion, and “psychoopium” from mobile phones, which keeps people trapped on the couch, leads to a daily excess of heat, a long-term build-up of heat that will impact directly on the cardiovascular system and a closer cardiovascular disease.(4) Misuse1 DrinkingAlcohol has a direct toxic effect on myocardial cells, resulting in myocardial damage. Long-term overdrinking can also lead to cardiac disorders and an expansion of the heart, increasing the likelihood of heart attack. Overdouring increases the risk of death and cardiovascular disease, both in studies suggesting that alcohol is ingested at less than 100 g per week, while the latest research published by Prof. Li Ming Lee at the Beijing School of Public Health in the International Medical Monument breaks the previous perception of “moderate drinking is protective of the cardiovascular environment” and suggests health risks at any level.2 SmokingHarmful substances such as nicotine and tar in tobacco can cause damage to inner-vascular cells, leading to vascular constriction, increasing blood pressure, and increasing the risk of sclerosis and coronary heart disease. Tobacco use is an independent risk factor for death and cardiovascular disease, and exposure to second-hand smoke increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 20-30 per cent among pawns, with the higher the amount of tobacco smoke and the greater the risk of prolonged smoking.3 Various beveragesIngestion of sugar-bearing beverages such as milk tea, carbonate beverages, etc., is associated with increased risks of cardiovascular disease, which, even when often motioned, does not fully offset their negative effects on the cardiovascular system, and high sugar content, in addition to directly causing vascular wall damage, can lead to increased risks of cardiac disease due to sugar metabolic disorders resulting in sugar sugar, bremolipic abnormalities, even if non-sugar beverages contain various additives.(5) Undesired sentiment 1 Excessive anxiety and stressProlonged anxiety can cause excessive body-occupying hormones such as adrenalin, leading to increased blood pressure, vascular constrictions and increased work loads of the heart. Excessive pressure can also cause problems such as cardiac disorders. For example, the risk of heart disease is relatively high in groups with high long-term work stress and stress. Anger and emotion.When people are angry, the heart rate accelerates dramatically, and blood pressure rises in an instant, which puts a great strain on the heart. If there is a potential problem with the heart itself, it is likely to induce severe consequences, such as angina and myocardial infarction.In general, except for genetic factors, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases as age increases, and unhealthy lifestyles may accelerate the incidence of disease, and “heart” is taken away from these risk factors.