He’s got a white hole on his hand, press one push a day to improve the white wind!

The hand is an important area in Chinese medical theory, filled with caves connected to the whole body of the body. Incentives to these caves allow for the re-engineering of gas blood and for the enhancement of the body ‘ s immunity, thus achieving the goal of preventing and mitigating disease. In the case of typhoid patients, specific caves in the hand are considered to facilitate local blood circulation and accelerate the regeneration and distribution of chromosomal cells, thus contributing to improved skin conditions.

It’s the 01st Cave.

It’s on the back of the hand, between the first and the second cheekbone, midpoint on the side of the second cheekbone. The massage helps to reconcile aerobic blood, relieves local skin stress and promotes blood circulation.

Zero 02.

It’s in the palm of your hand, when the second and third cheeks are in favour of the third palm, and when you hold your fist to the point. The massage of the palace will help to improve the mood-induced white wind.

The Queen’s Palace of 03

It’s on the palm, between the palms of the fourth and the fifth, and when you hold your fist, it’s on the tip of your finger. Stimulating the cave clears the heart of the fire, promotes blood circulation and helps to metabolize the skin.

04 Massage method

When massages of the above-mentioned caves are carried out, it is advisable to use a soft and continuous method to avoid excessive force and damage. Every morning and evening, each time for about three to five minutes of massage per cave, until it is felt that local microheating is appropriate. Persisting, continuing, may observe positive changes in skin conditions.

While the massage of the hand caves provides a non-pharmaceutical, low-risk self-care method for people with typhoid, treatment of typhoid needs to be considered in a comprehensive manner, including a wide range of measures such as drug treatment, phototherapy, and GP-CK tanthem transplantation. Before any self-regulation, it is important to consult a doctor to ensure that the treatment is reasonable and safe.

The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.