How about a moderately weak in vitro baby?

It is well known that the high rate of in vitro-pregnancy among reproductive-age couples is associated with their own physical condition, especially the quality of sperm and eggs, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy being of the highest quality. So, in Kunming an in vitro baby, if the man’s sperm is of poor quality and there’s a slight weakness, will it affect the end of the in vitro? How about a moderately weak in vitro baby?

Men ‘ s sperm quality still has an impact on the treatment of in vitro babies, since both sperm and eggs form in vitro fertilized eggs and are nurtured as embryos, and if the sperm is of poor quality, the probability of fertilization is reduced and the potential of embryos is limited.

However, moderately weak males are not all of them of poor sperm quality, and some of them are good and can be used for fertilization. Thus, during clinical consultations, steps for in vitro fertilization are arranged in accordance with the quality of the sperm, by means of one or two generations of fertilization.

If the quality of sperm is more optimistic, if it is possible to achieve natural in vitro fertilization through one generation and if fertilization is better, then it is not necessary to be second generation. However, if fertilization is poor, remedial ICSI can also be used for single sperm injection to assist in fertilization of the eggs.

Other male sperms are of poor quality, so that healthy sperm can be injected directly into the egg cells through a second-stage in vitro baby, thus achieving the process of sperm and egg fertilization, which can be transplanted into the uterine cavity to help with bed and gestation.

So, while the quality of the in vitro baby’s sperm has an impact, there is no need to worry that the in vitro baby technology can help some extent in fertilization of sperm and eggs. However, in everyday life, male friends still need to pay attention to everyday life habits, such as smoking and alcohol cessation, proper exercise, etc., to improve the quality of sperm and also to increase the rate of in vitro treatment.

The above is an introduction to the question of how a child with mild and moderate insinuation is treated as an in vitro. If you have more questions about male infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.