Cardiac failure, i.e. heart failure, is a combination of heart structure or functional diseases that lead to ulceration and/or loss of blood function in the heart room, which does not meet the tissue metabolic needs of the organism, which is siltated with the lung and/or the body, and organ, tissue blood insufficiency as clinical expression. Cardiac maintenance is particularly important for people with heart failure. The following are some of the recommendations that help people with heart failure to maintain their heart:It’s a regular drug.On time: Patients suffering from heart failure should be treated on time and on a scale, in strict accordance with the instructions of a doctor, and do not change the dosage or stop.Periodic visits: regular visits to hospitals to monitor changes in conditions and to adjust treatment programmes in a timely manner.Lifestyle adjustmentsRational diet:Low salt diet: Reduce sodium salt intake to reduce heart burden.Low lipid diet: Reduce fat intake and avoid excessive heart burden.Balanced nutrition: ensure adequate intake of protein, vitamins and minerals and improve health.Control of water: Control of water intake to avoid liquid retention in appropriate quantities depending on the condition.Moderate exercise:Aerobics: for example, walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., help to improve heart function.Avoiding violent motion: Avoiding overwork and choosing the right amount and intensity of movement according to the circumstances.No more wine:Stop smoking: Smoking can damage the cardiovascular system and aggravate the symptoms of heart failure.Liquor limits: excessive drinking increases the heart burden, and alcohol intake should be strictly controlled.Psychological adjustment:Be optimistic: positive optimism contributes to the recovery.Depression: Reduce psychological stress through communication, meditation, yoga, etc.Weight and oedema managementWeight monitoring: weighing daily, timely detection of abnormal changes in body weight and early detection of oedema.Control of oedema: Appropriate use of urea, clothing, lifting of lower limbs and reduction of oedema.Sleep ManagementEnsuring adequate sleep: Good sleep helps the heart rest and recovery.Avoid staying up late: keep the regular hours and avoid staying up late.Monitoring symptomsAttention to respiratory difficulties: Respiratory difficulties are common symptoms of increased heart failure and should be addressed in a timely manner.Observation of oedema: attention to oedema in lower limbs, abdomen, etc.Monitoring of blood pressure: Periodic monitoring of blood pressure to keep it stable.Social supportFamily support: the understanding and support of family members is essential for the rehabilitation of people suffering from heart failure.Joining support groups: participation in support groups for people with heart failure, communication and psychological support.Other mattersAvoiding infection: The infection exacerbates heart failure and preventive measures, such as vaccination against influenza, pneumonia, etc.Environmental adaptation: Avoid overheating or overcooling environments and reduce the heart burden.Avoid overcrowding: places with high numbers of people are susceptible to infection and accidents, and should be avoided as much as possible.Cardiac care for people with heart failure is a long and complex process that requires the joint efforts of patients, families and medical teams. Through the above-mentioned recommendations, persons with a heart condition can have some control over their condition and improve their quality of life. However, the situation of each patient is unique and, therefore, specific conservation measures should be tailored under the guidance of a doctor. The regular assessment of the effectiveness of treatment and the timely adjustment of treatment programmes are important components of heart care for people with heart failure.
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