How can people with vertical spinal disease be treated better?

Strong vertical spinal cord is a chronic inflammation disease that can cause damage to areas such as the spinal column and the hip. The following are some of the ways in which people with direct spina syndrome can be better treated.

First, drug treatment is the key. Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used for the treatment of pain and inflammation caused by direct spinal disease, such as Bloven, Seles, etc. They are effective in reducing joint pain, swelling and rigidity, and patients should be treated on a regular basis, as recommended by a doctor, in order to maintain effective concentrations of drugs in the body and to control symptoms. At the same time, anti-rue-wet drugs (DMARDs) are also essential, such as ammonium butterflies, nitrous sulfon, etc., which can slow the progress of the disease, fundamentally regulate the immune response of the body and reduce the occurrence of joint damage and malformations. For patients with more serious conditions, biological agents, such as tumour cause of death (TNF)-alpha stressor, are a good choice, and they can target inflammation factors with precision and improve the condition quickly and significantly, but the use of biological agents requires strict medical advice and attention to possible adverse effects.

Physicotherapy is also important in the treatment of direct spinal disease. Thermal dressing improves local blood circulation and relieves muscle spasms. Patients can use hot towels or hot water bags in pain, rigid joints for 15 – 20 minutes each, several times a day. Massage is also an effective physiotherapy method, and professional massages can help relax nervous muscles and alleviate pain. However, the massage should be carried out with a minimum of effort to avoid damage to vulnerable joints. In addition, moderate physical therapy is extremely beneficial to patients. Swimming is a highly recommended sport, as it has a smaller joint burden in the water, while being able to exercise the body’s muscles and enhance the stability of the spine and joints. Some of the mild stretches in yoga, such as the cat-cow-cow, canine-like, etc., also help to maintain spinal flexibility and joint activity.

Psychological regulation should also not be overlooked. Straight spinal disease is a long-term disease, with patients prone to negative feelings of anxiety, depression, etc. These emotions may aggravate the condition or affect the patient ‘ s dependence on treatment. Patients can release pressure by communicating with their families, friends, and can participate in patient associations to gain support and encouragement from others. If necessary, it is also a good choice to seek the help of a professional psychologist.

Daily pose management is also important. Patients must remain in good positions at work and in life, avoiding long periods of bending and humping. A hard-bed bed should be chosen to sleep in order to maintain the physiological curve of the spine. Appropriate pillows can be used to maintain a normal vertebrae.

The treatment of direct spinal disease is an integrated process, and patients need to be actively involved in drug treatment, combined with physiotherapy, psychological adjustment and day-to-day position management in order to better control their condition and improve their quality of life.