Pyretics require special attention in their diets, and the choice of low-precipitation food helps to control the levels of urine acids and reduce the risk of ailments. The following are some of the food products that are suitable for the consumption of arrhythmia:
• Fresh vegetables: The majority of fresh vegetables contain low-intensity larvae and are suitable for the consumption of arrhythmia patients. For example, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, vegetables and broccoli are excellent options. Vegetables are rich in dietary fibres, vitamins and minerals, which contribute to increased immunity and improved intestinal health, as well as to excretion of urine. It recommends the daily intake of a variety of vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C, to help alleviate arthritis.
• Fruits: Fruits not only contain abundant vitamins and antioxidants, but also have low larvae levels, which are the ideal food for people with arrhythmia. Common fruits suitable for ailments include apples, cherries, strawberries, grapes, oranges and blueberries. Cherry has been particularly helpful in mitigating the symptoms of arrhythmia, and studies have shown that the natural composition of cherries contributes to the reduction of urea acid levels. One or two fruit items per day are recommended, especially cherry, apple and citrus fruits.
• Low-fat dairy products: Low-fat dairy products such as low-fat milk, yogurt and low-fat cheese contain rich calcium and proteins and have low levels of lactation. Studies have shown that the appropriate intake of low-fat dairy products has a positive effect on the reduction of urea acid levels and on the prevention of gout. Protein in dairy products does not lead to higher levels of urine acid, as does meat protein. One or two low-fat dairy products such as a glass of low-fat milk or yoghurt are recommended for daily intake.
• Whole cereals: whole cereals, such as oats, wheat bread, rough rice and so on, can help to reduce blood sugar and resin levels. They have low levels of osteoporosis and are well suited as substitutes for the staple foods of the arrhythmia. Fibres in whole-grain foods also help with intestinal creeping, promote body metabolism and help reduce the accumulation of urine acid.
• Nuts: nuts are a good source of plant protein and healthy fat, and have a low luminum content and are suitable for consumption by arrhythmia patients. Common nuts include almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, etc., which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants and can help to reduce body inflammation and the symptoms of pain. A small set of nuts is recommended for daily consumption, but not overdose to avoid over-heat.
• Eggs: Eggs, as a food for low-pretty, high-protein, are foods for which people with arrhythmia can eat. Protein not only contributes to muscle repair but also increases body immunity. It is an important source of food to replace meat because of the extremely low levels of eggs. It is recommended that one or two eggs be eaten each day, and that as much as possible be boiled or steamed, so as to avoid frying.
• Salmon soup and low-salt foods: gourmets should reduce the ingestion of high-salt foods, such as broth, soup, etc., which may be rich in saliva. The choice of low-intensity soups, such as clean soup and vegetable soup, provides both nutrition and does not increase the level of urine acid in the body. Low salted food helps to maintain normal kidney functions and helps to extricate urine. Vegetable soup and low salt foods are recommended to avoid over-ingestion of processed foods.
By making a reasonable choice of these low-precipitation foods, ailments can effectively control the levels of urine acid and reduce the risk of ailments. At the same time, together with appropriate exercise and medication, it can help maintain joint health and avoid the pain caused by gout.