How do you choose treatment for a vertebrae fracture?

How do you choose treatment for a vertebrae fracture?

The vertebrae fracture is an overweight vertebrae, a number of middle-aged persons with multiple vertebrae fractures, or persons engaged in heavy physical labour. Some older persons also experience vertebrae fractures because of their position or method of work, local pain, inability to stand, muscle spasms on their backs, etc. How do you treat the vertebrae fracture?

The first thing to do after the fracture of the vertebrae is to determine the condition, which can be treated in a conservative manner, i.e., with medication, mainly painkillers, and with medication. However, drugs cannot be cured completely, but only for pain relief purposes, and long-term drug resistance can occur, so they need to be treated in combination with massages so that they can be re-established and accompanied by the use of drugs. In addition, acupuncture can be used, through acupuncture, through which acupuncture passes through the crops of the waist and is accompanied by a massage, so that the blood circulation can be promoted, so as to alleviate the pain caused by fractures, and so that the mutagenic bone can be repositioned at the same time as acupuncture.

Finally, there is a procedure for patients with severe vertebrae fractures, but there is a risk that, in short, when a vertebrae fracture does not have an impact on the stability of the family column, it is necessary to have an operation, which is internalized and micro-initiative. Intra-rigid surgery applies to young patients with better bone conditions, after which 2-3 can be released from bed, can walk under the protection of a support device, can take a major physical exercise in three months, and can usually be removed within a year. The vertebrae fractures and the integration of patients can also be removed from the inside, usually after three months with some intense exercise. Microstart operations apply to older patients with osteoporosis and without neurological damage, and are injected with bone cement, which usually allows them to walk out of bed immediately after the operation. So how do we do the vertebrae?

First, vertebrae: The vertebrae is a commonly used technique for treating vertebrae fractures, which can be broken through the waist through high-energy trauma. The vertebrae vertebrae is treated by a cortex bolting and, on the other hand, by a vertebrae fracture caused by a low-energy external injury, can be treated by a microconforming vertebrae. Back-track surgery has the advantage of operating with a small operation.

Second, vertebrae frontal surgery: stability can be made better through vertebrae frontal surgery, but it can easily cause damage to the internal organs, so it is not common in clinical practice. The effect of this is to re-establish the stability of the spinal column by placing a fixed road in front of the biodynamic line at the weight of the motor section; to remove the pressure from the invertebrae directly and to reduce the pressure more thoroughly; and to achieve a high degree of integration after the bone is implanted as a result of the stress: it is easy to correct the post-fault deformities and to re-establish normal sequences of the family. Shortcomings: Poor respiration resistance to the plume and the difficulty of the operation, causing great harm.

Thirdly, joint front- and back-to-back operations: joint operations are more stable than purely road-to-road operations, while the risks to which patients are exposed are higher and the time required for the operation is longer. The type of operation is usually determined on the basis of the results of the visual examination.

In any case, the patient needs bed rest, regardless of the method used to treat the vertebrae, and although the effects of the operation are more harmful to the body, there has been a marked improvement in the level of medical care and the way in which it is performed, with a marked increase in effectiveness and safety. In practice, the best treatment needs to be chosen in the light of the patient ‘ s actual situation, with relevant pre-operative examinations, preparation, full bed rest after the surgery and active prevention of complications.