How does a breast cancer patient cope with the lost hair of chemotherapy? A dark, radiant, natural hair is not only a reflection of the beauty of women but also a source of emotion. However, the withdrawal from chemotherapy is often inevitable in the course of treatment, resulting in double physical and psychological suffering for a large number of breast cancer patients. This paper provides a brief overview of the reasons for the withdrawal and its classification, as well as recommendations for the prevention and treatment of the withdrawal.How many hairs do normal people have?The normal human head is about 100,000 furbags, dominated by rough, dark end hairs, which do not exceed 20 per cent, and the number and density of furs will decrease as the body ages.How does every hair grow?Just as the growth of trees changes with the four seasons, the growth of fur bladders is cyclical, with hair growing in its state, morphological structure, which divides the growth cycle of hair into a long-term, out-of-season and stop-over period and a cycle of rotation.How many hairs are normal?It’s normal to have about 50 hairs that fall off naturally every day. Our hair is in the normal metabolism, and the hair that enters the period of rest will fall off, and when the fur bag again enters the long term, new hair will grow. metabolism, so back.What causes the loss of hair?• Genetics: Genetics is one of the main factors leading to the loss of hair.• Hormones imbalance: Hormones imbalance is a common cause of hair loss, especially among women, and changes in levels of hormones during pregnancy, menstruation and menopausal periods may lead to significant loss of hair.• Lack of nutrients: Lack of essential nutrients, such as vitamin D, iron, zinc and protein, can lead to fragile hair and ease of loss.• Use of excessive hair heating tools: frequent use of heating tools such as wind blowers, curlers, straighters, etc., can lead to loss of hair and thereby accelerate the loss of hair. The high temperature of these tools makes their hair dry and fragile, making it easier to break and fall. Excessive dyeing and fever can also cause hair damage.• The effects of drugs, such as epilepsy, antidepressants and chemotherapy, may have side effects that trigger hair loss.• Excessive stress: long periods of stress, excessive stress and long nights can also lead to significant loss of hair. The pressure interferes with normal capsule function and results in a cyclical cessation of hair growth.What are the common types of wigs?• Male hormonal hysteria: the most common type of dysentery, which is commonly referred to as lipid hysteria, male or female dysentery, which occurs after puberty and adolescence, mainly in the form of small cysts and a decrease in hair, with a prevalence of 21 per cent among males and 6 per cent among females.• Male hair loss: M-type and hair shift at the front and top of the head is reduced and finer.• Female hair-dressing: the hair on the top of the head is reduced and fine, with a significant increase in the size of the hair and the appearance of the “Christmas tree”.• Baldness: The sudden emergence of a clear border with the scalp can occur at any age, with morbidity for both sexes, with a reported rate of 0.27 per cent.• Suspended period of hair: various causes disrupt hair loss caused by the growth cycle of the fur bladder, which can be classified as acute and chronic, with clinical performance dominated by the loss of permafrost, increased loss of hair during hair combing or washing, mostly temporary and thin, in the case of post-partum hair loss, psychotic stress, weight loss, etc.What are the ways to prevent this from happening?• Drug treatment: The most common defamation drugs, including Minodil and non-napamineminodill, are applicable to both men and women and can be painted directly on the scalp. Non-napamine is a drug that is oral only for men and can slow and even stop the hormonal-related dysentery.• Low-energy laser therapy: the use of light stars of specific wavelengths to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth.• Hair transplant: a health capsule can be removed from the back of the scalp and transplanted to the defunct area.What does breast cancer chemotherapy take care of?• Optimizing, to the extent possible, the use of smaller cyst injuries in chemotherapy to prevent hair loss from the source.• The use of scalp cooling equipment during chemotherapy to reduce direct damage to the fur bladders by chemotherapy.• Reduction in the frequency of head-washing and physical pull of damaged fur bladders and hair during the period of chemotherapy.• To maintain a balanced diet, with appropriate additional diets (skinned meat, beans, vegetables) of vitamin B.• Avoid over-heated, dyed hair and reduce hair formations such as regular tight-stamped hair, braids, ponytails or other stressful hairs may lead to to towed hair loss. Try different pine-spreads to reduce pressure on hair and scalp.• Select hair-washing and hair-dressing items that are suitable for their own, and take care to stay out of the sun.• Reducing the damage to hair caused by high-temperature-forming tools such as wind blowers, hairdressers and curlers.• Leather massage: Regular head massage can facilitate blood circulation and hair growth. Breast cancer
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