In human physiology, the heart is the core power of the blood cycle, and its normal beating is essential for life activity. High blood sugar, on the other hand, poses a serious threat to the heart ‘ s health, and its harmful mechanisms are multi-dimensional and complex. High blood sugar directly damages the insides of the vascular cell in the first place. Normal insider skin is smooth and complete, facilitating blood flow. Under long-term high blood sugar, however, internal skin cells are exposed to oxidizing stress due to metabolic disorders, and their function and structure are impaired, making them coarse and fragile. This has led to the accumulation of lipids and slabs in the blood and to the formation of an artery porridge as a scrawl. Speculation increases by approximately narrow blood vessels, hinders heart blood supply, causes myocardial insinuation, gives rise to analgesic pain, and diabetics experience squeezing pain or suffocation in the chest. High blood sugar also interferes with the neurological regulation of the heart. The nervous network around the heart is fine, and it regulates the rhythm and contraction. High blood sugar disrupts neurocell metabolism, impaired neurofibre structure, inhibits the synthesis, release and transmission of neurotransmitters, causes cardiac disorders, such as hypercardiological hypervelocity, hyperdrive or early strokes, and affects the blood efficiency of pumps, which in serious cases can cause a heart to stop and endanger life. In addition, high blood sugar causes chronic inflammation in the organism. Inflammatory factors increase in blood concentrations and permeate heart tissue, irritate myocardial cells, increase their fattening, thickness and rigidity of myocardial tissue, loss of elasticity and adaptability, loss of blood function of the heart pump, and cause heart failure. Diabetes suffer from respiratory difficulties, inefficiency and oedema, which have a serious impact on the quality of life and expectations. In the face of high blood sugar, patients with diabetes are actively prepared to respond. Strict control of blood sugar, rational diet, reduction of high sugar and fat food intake, increase of food intake for diet fibres, aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., increase insulin sensitivity, promotion of blood sugar metabolism and timely medical treatment. In short, high blood sugar is multidimensional to the heart, with consequences that seriously affect the health and quality of life of diabetes patients. Diabetes patients must be aware of their seriousness, actively and comprehensively intervene to protect their heart health in all its aspects, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve their quality of life and life expectancy.
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