Hello. How long has it been since you’ve recovered?
Question answer:
There is no absolute time frame for acoustic acoustic rehydration, but it is usually judged by the recurrence of the disease. In general, a clinical cure can be considered to have been achieved if the arctic sharp hysteria does not recur for some time after treatment. This period is usually set at about six months to one year. In other words, if the patient does not show new americ acids within six months to one year of treatment and if the relevant tests (e.g. HPV virus nucleic acid tests) are negative, it can be considered that the sharp argon has been cured. It should be noted, however, that there is a relatively high rate of recurrence of sharp-wetting beaks, and that even after treatment there is a risk of re-infection. Therefore, after the treatment, patients still need to be careful about their hygiene, to avoid an unclean sex life and to undergo regular review. In addition, the treatment of the acute hysteria is related to the body immunity of the patient. Therefore, both during treatment and after treatment, care should be taken to increase self-resistence to reduce the risk of relapse. In general, the healing of anal acoustics requires a combination of factors, including the timing of treatment, relapse, hygiene habits and body immunity. If a patient is suspected or diagnosed with an acute hysteria, you can add a jursy 820 to a private consultation.