cancer treatment and recovery, proper diet can have a positive impact on physical health, immune system and overall quality of life. The following are some core contents aimed at providing dietary guidance for cancer patients.
1. The importance of a balanced diet a balanced diet contains a variety of nutrients, which can provide the body with the energy it needs, enhance immunity, help tissue repair and promote healing. The following are the core dietary components:
Vegetables and fruits
Choose dark leafy vegetables (such as spinach and kale), cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower), and rich fruits (such as blueberries and oranges). These foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals, especially antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E).
Whole grain
Choose whole grain foods (e.g., oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread) that provide a rich source of fiber and nutrients to aid digestion and maintain stable blood sugar levels.
High quality protein
Increase protein intake to support the immune system and muscle repair. Choose lean meat (e.g. Chicken, fish), beans, tofu, nuts, and dairy products (e.g. Yogurt, milk).
Healthy fats
Healthy sources of fat include fish oil, olive oil, nuts, etc., which help lower inflammation and provide essential energy.
2. Pay attention to special needs in diet. Cancer patients may have special needs and reactions in diet. The following are some key considerations:
Keep enough water
Drink enough water
every day to keep the body hydrated, especially during chemotherapy or radiotherapy, water intake is more important.
Coping with side effects
of treatment
If nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite occur, it is recommended to choose light and digestible food, such as rice porridge, steamed eggs, etc., to avoid greasy and irritating food.
Choose the right complementary foods
If it is difficult to get enough nutrition, nutritional supplements can be considered, but they should be carried out under the guidance of doctors or nutritionists. Before using any vitamin or antioxidant supplements, consult a doctor or dietitian to ensure safety.
3. Food safety and hygiene
Because the immune system of cancer patients may be fragile, food safety and hygiene are particularly important:
Avoid raw and undercooked foods such as raw seafood, raw meat, and raw eggs to reduce the risk of infection.
Keep the kitchen clean: Wash tools and work surfaces regularly to ensure the freshness and hygiene of food.
4. Avoid unhealthy eating habits
Reduce your intake of processed foods and sugar: Too much sugar and highly processed foods may affect your health and should be minimized. Try to reduce the intake of sugar and highly processed foods, control weight and avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar.
Control salt use: Reducing high-salt diet can help protect kidney and cardiovascular health. Salty or spicy food may burden the liver and stomach, especially during chemotherapy.
5. Seek professional guidance
Cancer patients can consult professionals, such as nutritionists or doctors, to develop personalized dietary plans to ensure that specific nutritional needs and health goals are met.
During oncology treatment, a proper diet is essential to improve the patient’s quality of life, enhance immunity, and support physical recovery. Following the principle of balanced diet, paying attention to food safety and consulting professionals at any time can help cancer patients maintain their health and strength in the process of fighting the disease.