How to correctly distinguish between antibiotics and anti-inflammation pills

How to correctly distinguish between antibiotics and anti-inflammation pills

In the general human concept, anti-inflammatory drugs are often considered as antibiotics, but they are different. Among them, antibiotics are numerous and widely used. But people’s perception of antibiotics is generally confused, and we often hear that anti-inflammation drugs are antibiotics, antibacterials, etc. Similar statements confuse the concepts of antibiotics, antibacterials and anti-inflammatorys and contribute to the abuse of antibiotics. So, what are their differences and differences and how should we distinguish? Let’s talk briefly.


Antibiotics originate from natural substances, and as early as 1928, British scientist Flemming found a bacterial secretive substance capable of inhibiting the normal growth of some other bacteria. By separating, Flemming discovered penicillin, which he called penicillin, the cyanobacterium screen capable of killing others, and applied penicillin to the field of disease treatment, which could serve the purpose of killing and treating diseases. Today, we call it antibiotics from nature, from nature and from the microbial growth process, which can contain or kill other bacteria. For example, erythycin, penicillin, cythin, cythin, gillin, etc. are known as antibiotics. It should be noted that antibiotics are part of the antibacterial regimen. Antibiotics can not only resist bacteria, but can also play a role in combating exclusion, tumours, etc. Among the organ transplants of immunosuppressants that are anti-exclusive, etc., are common cyclopsycin, and in the field of anti-tumours, most commonly antibiotics are Bolacin, Criscin, etc.


Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial are two very different concepts. First, the distinction between inflammation and infection should be identified, so that it would be possible to understand the difference between anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial applications. Inflammation is commonly referred to as inflammation. It is a pathological process of complex reactions that occurs in the part of the body affected when the body suffers from harmful irritation, especially microbial infections — first, causing tissue damage, then blood circulation disorders, white cell ejection and fluid seepage, often cured by tissue growth, repairing the damage, and, in clinically, the inflammation is often manifested in red (locally bulging) osmosis (increased tissue swollen) fever (increased temperature of inflammation), pain (increased pain) and functional disorders (reduced organ tissue). Infection and non-infection can lead to inflammation, such as inflammation through spraining, which is non-infective, while oedema is infectious. It needs to be noted that inflammation is a series of self-protective responses that occur when the tissue is damaged, but when the inflammation response is excessive, it results in damage to the organism, such as rheumatism arthritis, at which time anti-inflammation drugs are usually used. The most common anti-inflammatory drugs are anti-inflammatory painkillers for a number of non-prematures, such as aspirin. Some of the inflammatory responses caused by infection can be effectively controlled, often after treatment against infection. The causes of inflammation are higher, such as high temperature, rays, strong acid, strong alkaline, bacteria, viruses, etc. True anti-inflammatory drugs often have both anti-inflammation effects and mechanisms to influence the response of patients to cystitis. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be classified as anti-inflammatory and non-inflammatory anti-inflammation drugs. The anti-inflammatory drugs of the aphrodisiac, which we usually refer to as hormonal drugs, include, inter alia: acetic anhydride, disemison, pine, etc.; and non-aphthalmic anti-inflammation drugs include, inter alia, petroxin, Finhuei, aspirin, etc.

It is important to know that both antibacterials and antibiotics have the effect of microbicide and can treat inflammation caused by bacterial infections. However, the concept of antibacterial drugs is broader and includes not only antibiotics from natural sources, such as Amocrin, but also semi-synthetic derivatives of antibiotics and synthetic antibacterials such as cotrimoxazole, left-oxen fluoride and so on. Anti-inflammatory drugs, which directly affect the immune system of the human body, can directly combat inflammation and reduce red, swollen, heat, pain, including anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetic anhydride, and non-inflammatory drugs such as Broven. Only by genuinely deconstructing the concept can it be effective to avoid irrational use of drugs, to effectively curb bacterial resistance and to avoid adverse reactions.