How to get around the aortic trap-1

The high-risk factors we have mentioned before include, inter alia, one aspect: 1. sclerosis of blood pressure and porridge, two diseases of conjunctive tissue, three congenital cardiovascular diseases, and four injuries. Among these many hazards, the disease of the conjunctive tissue, congenital cardiovascular disease is detected at an early stage and is then treated for the primary disease, which is less prevalent in this group. The injuries are mainly to avoid receiving traumas, such as injuries from car accidents. For high-prevalence groups, we can target high blood pressure and sclerosis.How to prevent hypertension? The risk factors for hypertension are common: at age 1, the incidence of hypertension is directly related to the age increase, but there is also a trend towards rejuvenation of hypertension. Females are protected by estrogen, with a lower incidence of hypertension before men ‘ s menopausal period and a marked increase in the incidence of post-menopausal disease. 2. Races, mainly among the black and white populations, have a higher incidence of blacks than whites and are older than whites. Family history, which may be associated with genetic factors or similar to the way in which the family lives, has family congregence in cases of hypertension and increases the incidence of hypertension if parents or siblings have high blood pressure. These factors cannot be changed and we cannot effectively intervene.The following factors allow us to intervene effectively. Obesity or overweight. BMIs and diarrhea are the two common criteria for the determination of obesity or overweight, and BMIs are used to determine the extent of obese body, while the waist is primarily used to reflect the extent of obese stomach or central obesity. BMIs 24-27.9 kg/m2 are referred to as overweight and BMIs >28kg/m2 can be considered obese. The abdominal obese is considered to be 90/85 cm (men/women). Patients in the aortic artery are mostly overweight or obese. The mechanisms for overweight or obese hypertensive hypertension are more complex and can lead to increased blood pressure by increasing the heart burden, expanding the capacity of the blood vessels, activation of the neuroendocrine system, and inflammation oxidation, among other ways, but the specific mechanisms remain to be clarified. Lack of sports. As society continues to develop, urbanization progresses, office staff increases, and our reliance on short video on mobile phones increases, leading to reduced mobility. Lack of exercise leads to increased body weight and to overweight or obesity. 6. Smoking. The pace of modern society is fast and life pressure is increasing, and every reason in daily life, such as lack of food, graft, bad mood, job relief, etc., seems to be tempting you to light a cigarette. But all the harmful substances in the smoke cause your blood vessels to contract, your heart to be irritated, your heart to accelerate, your insides to be damaged and your fat pile to cause an vascular disease, leading to high blood pressure. A random cigarette seems to have gone off your nerves, depressed your mind, but caused the blood pressure to rise and burn healthy lives in the fog. 7. Drinking. It’s like, “A little drink, a lot of pain, but is that true?” During a short period of time, alcohol is used to reduce blood pressure by expanding the blood vessels and increasing the amount of urine for a small period of time, but after that the blood pressure is higher, and long-term drinking activates the body’s neuroendocrine system and damages the blood vessels, thereby causing an increase in blood pressure. The best way is to drop the wine. 8. Work and stress. Increased stress and stress can also cause high heart rate, vascular contraction and blood pressure by activation of the neuroendocrine system. 9. High salt diet. High salt diet is an internationally recognized risk factor for hypertension. In addition to the salt used in cooking, in daily life we often consume invisible salt, various processed snacks, semi-finished foods, a certain amount of salt in fabrics, and delicious take-outs, usually high salt and fat. Ingestion of too much salt can cause too much water to be left in our bodies, increased blood capacity and increased blood pressure.So let’s develop good habits, avoid blood pressure rises, stay healthy, and go around the aorta.