Direct spinal and rheumatism arthritis are self-immunizing diseases, which can be tiring and joints, causing symptoms of pain, rigidity and so forth, but they differ in many ways
(a) Strong straight spinal cord: Good for young males, with peaks between 20 and 30 years of age, with invisibility, early symptoms of pain in the lower waist or hip, rigidity, awakening at night and abating after activity.
Rheumatist arthritis: It occurs at any age, with women aged 30-50 being the majority, with chronic, symmetrical multiple joint swollen, common at the near end of the joint, hand finger joint, wrist joint, etc., and progress can lead to the deformation of the joint.
Tired joints.
(a) Strong direct spinal disease: The main attack is on the mid-axis joints, such as the gill joints and the spinal cords, which may also be excreted and circumcised, most of which consist of large lower limb joints and are asymmetrical.
Rheumatist arthritis: The main attack is on the outer ecstasy, with symmetrical distribution, with late-term stress and large joints such as knee, hip, etc.
Excursions of joints
(c) Strong-relative spinal diseases: Eye changes such as eye raisins and iris can occur, as well as stressful manifestations such as cardiovascular systems, respiratory systems such as incomplete aortic valves and fibrosis of the upper lung.
Rheumatism: In addition to arthromic symptoms, it can be manifested in extra joints such as rheumatism, vascular disease, cardiac inflammation and pleural inflammation, as well as stress on the blood system, nervous system, etc.
Laboratory inspection
Strong intuitive spinal disease: Most patients are HLA-B27 positive and indicators of inflammation such as blood sank and C-reaction protein can be elevated during the activity period, but the rheumatist factor is generally negative.
Rheumatism: Rheumatism is more positive, anti-cucumber amino acid antibodies are more specific to diagnosis, and indicators of inflammation such as blood sank and C-reactive protein are higher.
Video screening
Strong straight spinal cord: Early hip X-rays or CTs can show fuzzy joints, bone damage, etc., and later spinal cords can be modified by bamboo syllables.
Rheumatism: The early visible corrosive tissue swells and osteoporosis around the joints, which can be altered by deformities such as narrow joint faults, bone damage, joint disengagement or semi-deposition as the disease progresses. Clinical diagnosis requires a combination of clinical performance of the patient, laboratory and video-testing in order to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a reasonable treatment.
In any case where a person with an ailment opts for a treatment, the doctor takes into account a number of factors in order to develop the most appropriate individualized treatment. Intestine discomfort, increased cardiovascular risk, use of which requires attention to the patient ‘ s history of gastrointestinal disease, etc. Biological agents may increase the risk of infection and, in the case of patients with low immunity or a tendency to become infected, use with particular care. Patient dependence The level of acceptance and dependence of patients can also affect drug choice. For example, in cases where a patient is unable to reach the hospital on time to inject a biological agent for work reasons, the doctor may give priority to oral drugs; or there are concerns about the side effects of a drug, and the doctor will communicate fully with the patient and choose a drug that is better suited to the patient ‘ s psychological expectations. The cost of treatment is one of the factors to be taken into account. The doctor, while ensuring the effectiveness and safety of the treatment, chooses the medication at a higher cost, depending on the financial situation of the patient, in order to reduce the financial burden on the patient and to ensure that the patient is able to sustain the treatment for the long term.