How’s the microvascular decompression treatment for trident neurological pain? Is the risk high?

How’s the microvascular decompression treatment for trident neurological pain? Is the risk high?

On the website of Professor Wang Zing, a cranial neurosis specialist, there was a patient’s message: “When I spoke for dinner, my left face had a pain, and it’s been three years since I found it, it’s like a knife, it’s not working, it’s been hard to take medicine, it’s been so painful lately, it’s gone to the hospital for a medical examination. Do you need a treatment? Must be an operation? Is there a high risk of surgery?”

Professor Wang Jing: According to the patient, there is a trident of nerve pain caused by cycling and cycling. At present, in the clinical level, the treatment of trident neuropsychotic pain is not effective, and the method of total root treatment is still a procedure that requires surgery through microvascular decompression (MVD), which takes the surgical cut in the back of the ear, removes it from the trident neuropsychiatric fully decompressed, and fixes it so that the vascular is not exposed to the neurological, so as to relieve the vascular pressure on the neurological root, restore the normal function of the trident neurons and removes the pain. The operation has the advantage of short duration, low bleeding, low complications, low pain and quick results. The operation was performed under a microscope or a nervous endoscope for the entire period, with an effective rate of 95 per cent for the post-operative acute period.

Microvascular repressure treatment for trident nerve pain applies to the population:

The MRI shows that patients with significant vascular oppression, well-healthed young and middle-aged patients, and patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, are not fit for this procedure.

Treatment characteristics:

Microvascular repressures treat trident neuropsychological pains, do not damage the nerves, and do not feel diminished, such as numbing, in the back of the surgery, although the operation requires skull-opening, complex processes, high technical difficulties, high risk, and it is not appropriate to repeat the treatment after a relapse, and it is recommended that a formal medical facility be selected for the operation.

The analysis of a large amount of medical information shows that the trident neuropsychiatry of patients with vascular stress can be clearly detected in the course of an MRI examination of the patient ‘ s trident neuronucleus, which can be treated by microvascular repressures.