The cirrhosis of the liver is a common complication of the cirrhosis of the liver to the stage of failure. It is a common result of the reduction of the function of the liver and the high pressure of the door veins, which has a serious impact on the health and quality of life of patients.
The cirrhosis of the liver is a combination of factors. The high pressure of the door vein, which increases the static pressure of the cathedral cavity bed, and the reduction of inter-organizational retortion and leaks into the abdominal cavity, is a determining factor in the formation of the abdominal water. At the same time, hepatic cirrhosis has reduced the function of synthetic proteins in the liver, leading to lower plasma pneumatic pressure and further contributing to the accumulation of liquids in the abdominal cavity. In addition, hepatic lymphosphate overgeneration, increased renal sodium renal receptivity due to increased growth, increased urethrinic increased water absorption and insufficient effective circulation blood capacity are also involved in the formation of abdominal water.
When a small amount of abdominal water is shown, the patient has no visible symptoms, which are detected only incidentally during ultrasound. As a result of the increase in abdominal water, the patient suffers from abdominal swelling, abdominal swelling and mild abdominal pain. A large quantity of abdominal water can cause abdominal abdomen to swell and lift up, causing respiratory difficulties, end-sit breathing and larvae. Some of the patients may also be accompanied by lower limb oedema, chest water, etc. Long-term abdominal water can also give rise to whole-body symptoms such as appetite loss, nausea, vomiting and inactivity, which seriously affects the nutritional status and self-reliance of patients.
Diagnosis The diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver first requires a detailed examination of the patient’s medical history, including the presence of chronic liver disease, alcohol, etc. Typical signs such as mobile symphony positive can be found during medical examination. With regard to laboratory examinations, lower levels of pure blood protein, abnormal coagulation functions, etc., contribute to the diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver, as well as the detection of abdominal, biochemical and cytological tests, which determine the nature of abdominal water, such as leaking or leaching fluids, to identify other complications such as co-infection of abdominal water. In addition, video screenings such as abdominal ultrasound and CT not only determine the volume and distribution of abdominal water, but also observe liver morphology, mass and door vein systems, which are important for cirrhosis of abdominal water and assessment of the condition.
The objective of treatment for cirrhosis of the liver is to reduce abdominal symptoms, prevent complications and improve the quality of life and survival of patients. General treatment, including bed rest, can increase the flow of liver blood and contribute to abdominal water erosion; sodium salt is restricted to normally not more than 2 g per day to reduce sodium retention. Rational application of urea is an important tool for the treatment of abdominal water, with common use of phenols and fursemics, and the dose needs to be adjusted to the specific circumstances of the patient to avoid adverse effects such as excessive urea leading to electrolyte disorders. For a large number of patients suffering from severe abdominal swelling and respiratory difficulties, abdominal puncture can be considered for treatment, but it is not appropriate to overload the abdominal water, which can be supplemented by adhesive solutions such as protein to prevent cyclic functional disorders. In the case of incorrigible abdominal water, interventional treatments such as intracircular hysteresis (TIPS) can be used to reduce the pressure on the door and to reduce the formation of abdominal water. Furthermore, active treatment of precipitosis of the liver, such as antiviral treatment of hepatitis B cirrhosis, is essential to improve liver function and to slow abdominal re-emergence. The cirrhosis of the liver is an important indicator of the progress of the cirrhosis of the liver, which varies in complexity. Patients should actively cooperate with the doctor ‘ s treatment and review it regularly, while taking care of rest and a reasonable diet to improve the quality of life and extend the duration of life. As medical research continues, it is believed that more effective methods of treatment for cirrhosis of the liver will emerge, giving hope to a large number of patients.
Liver and gravy.