Rheumatism is a common self-immunological disease, manifested mainly in joint pain, swelling and rigidity, which, if not treated in a timely manner, leads to joint malformations and loss of function. Medicine treatment is the key to controlling rheumatism, as described below. I. Influenza anti-inflammation drugs (NSAIDs): These drugs are “front-guard forces” for rheumatitis treatment, such as Bloven, aspirin, salamus, etc. They alleviate arthritis and pain, mainly by inhibiting the activity of the cyclic oxidation enzymes (COX) and reducing prostate synthesis. Broven has had a significant effect on the reduction of mild and moderate joint pain and can improve the discomfort of the joints faster for the patient; it is relatively less irritating for the gastrointestinal tract and is suitable for patients with more sensitive gastrointestinal tracts. However, NSAIDs can only abate symptoms and do not prevent progress, and long-term intensive use may cause adverse effects, such as gastrointestinal discomfort and damage to liver and kidney function, and is therefore subject to medical guidance.Secondly, Rheumatism (DMARDs): DMARDs are the cornerstone of rheumatism treatment. Mechamonia is one of the most common, inhibiting cell proliferation and immune responses, usually once a week. Nitrogen sulfuric acid has a better effect on arthritis in some patients than in the morning and is generally administered at daily doses. Leflomit can effectively regulate the immune system and slow the destruction of the joints, which is relatively slow but lasting. While reducing joint symptoms, hydroxychloride also has some eye effects and requires regular eye examinations. In the use of DMARDs, indicators such as blood protocol, liver and kidney function are regularly monitored because of possible adverse effects such as bone marrow inhibition, liver damage, etc.Biological agents: Biological agents represent a major breakthrough in recent years in the treatment of rheumatism. Tumour cause of death (TNF)-alpha inhibitors, such as Inausip, Inflisi, Adamu, etc., can be uniquely severed, the role of TNF-alpha is rapidly reduced, joint inflammation is reduced, and joint function is improved, especially for patients with more severe conditions and poor reaction to traditional DMARDs. However, biological agents may increase the risk of infection, requiring pre-use screening for infections such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, at relatively high prices. White cell inhalant-6 (IL-6) inhibitors, such as beads, are shown to be effective in controlling arthritis and all-body symptoms and can be used for invalid and intolerant TNF-α inhibitors.Sugar cortex hormones: Sugar cortex hormones, such as Penneson, Capron and others, have a strong anti-inflammation and immunosuppressive effect. During the acute onset of rheumatism, it can be used at small doses for short periods of time, rapidly relieves the symptoms of joint pain, swelling and so forth, and “buys time” for other drugs. However, because of the high number of adverse effects, long-term use may lead to osteoporosis, increased blood sugar, increased blood pressure etc., long-term large doses are not recommended and will need to be phased out after the disease has been controlled.V. Joint medicines: It is often difficult for a single drug to fully control rheumatism, and joint medicines can improve the efficacy of treatment. The most common joint programmes are amino- and hydroxychloroquine, or amino- and biological agents. In the case of joint drug use, it is important to closely monitor the adverse effects of drugs and to adjust their doses and types in a timely manner in response to changes in the patient ‘ s condition.Drug treatment for rheumatism is a “persistent war” and patients are strictly subject to a doctor’s programme of treatment, are on time and regularly reviewed, and are not allowed to reduce their own volume or stop. At the same time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as proper exercise, a balanced diet and the avoidance of overwork at joints, also contributes to the control and rehabilitation of cases.
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