I know the fratricular tremors.

The heart, the body’s “power pump”, whose normal beating sustains our vital activity. Sometimes, however, heart beats are abnormal, and one of the ones we often hear about is cardiac tremors and abbreviations. The day-to-day work centre tremor is a more common disease, and at the same time it seriously affects the patient ‘ s work and life.

One, what’s a frazzling heart?

As a rule, the heartbeat of the heart is very regular and unblemished, with an orderly telecommunications signal from the infirmary of the heart, spreading through the heart, constricting the heart room and pumping the blood into the heart chamber, which then transmits it to the whole body. However, when room tremors occur, the electrical activity of the heart room becomes disordered, making regular cardiac convulsions a total disordered, slow and rapid tremors. This unusual telecommunications signal is transmitted through the heart room at a time when the pulse of the heart room is very high and can normally be as high as 350 – 700 times/min, and the rapid heartbeat of the heart room is transmitted down to the heart room, so that the rate of the heartbeat is also accelerated and very irregular. In this way, the heart loses its normal constrictive and constrictive function, which gradually leads to cardiac abnormality.

II. Symptoms of room tremors

– Heart attacks: this is one of the most common and easily detectable symptoms of room tremors, with patients being subjectively able to feel their heart beats accelerated and extremely irregular, when the heart appears to be ready to jump out of the chest, accompanied by a clear sense of fatigue or fatigue.

– Dizziness: due to a heart beating disorder, poor heart function, reduced heart ability to emit blood, a lack of blood flow to the brain, a lack of blood, anaerobics leading to a risk of dizziness, dizziness and faintness in the case of serious cases.

– Shortness of air: it is also a sign of heart failure, as the heart is unable to effectively deliver the blood to the whole body, resulting in pulmonary silt, which makes it difficult for the patient to breathe in light physical activity and even during rest.

– Chest disorders: due to a reduction in blood supply from the heart coronary artery, some patients suffer from chest pains, feelings of oppression, etc.

– No symptoms: There are, of course, about a quarter of the patients with room tremors who do not feel the obvious symptoms, and who may have been diagnosed with cytological tremors during medical examinations or regular electrocardiograms for other diseases.

III. The hazard of room tremors

– Impact on the quality of life: Dizziness, dizziness, shortness, etc. caused by tremors can cause discomfort and affect the state of work, learning and life.

– Blood clot formation and embolism: When the room is tremor, the heart is constrictive, blood is prone to vortex and blood flow is siltled, thus forming a clot. These embolisms may enter the arteries of the whole body, causing the corresponding symptoms. Brain infarction may occur if a blood clot is clogged; myocardial infarction may result if the blood clot enters the heart.

– Cardiac amplification and heart failure: Long-term twitching increases the burden of the heart by increasing the pre-heart load and, in order to adapt to this abnormal state, the heart expands day after day, leading to heart failure. Patients suffer from respiratory difficulties, pulmonary oedema and gastrointestinal silt, which affects their quality of life and longevity.

– Reduction of life expectancy: the mortality rate among persons with room tremors is twice as high as among the healthy population, and they also occupy the second place in the cause of heart disorders, second only to heart tremors.

IV. Causes of room tremors

– Physical heart disease: coronary heart disease, rheumatological heart valve disease, myocardial heart disease, etc. are common causes of internal tremors. These diseases affect the structure and functioning of the heart, leading to abnormal electrical activity of the heart and to tremors of the heart.

– Age factor: the incidence of room tremor is higher among older persons and, as age increases, the structure and function of the heart is gradually degraded and the room is prone to tremors.

– Genetic factors: If a relative of the family, and in particular the immediate family, suffers from room tremors, there may be a corresponding increase in the risk of twitching for future generations.

– Poor living habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, staying late at night and high emotional volatility can cause great damage to the heart and increase the risk of room tremors.


– Drug treatment: The most basic method of treatment for cell tremors is that of drug treatment, which involves, inter alia, the restoration of cardiac disease, the control of rapid heart rate and the prevention of haematosis. Common drugs include anti-heart disorders, anticondensatives, etc.

– Hydraulic frequency digestion: this is a micro-receptive treatment that introduces high-frequency currents into a local cardiac muscle through a catheter, which causes the condensation and death of local tissues, both for the purpose of blocking an abnormal transmission channel and for the elimination of the aerobic accelerator, so as to cure tremors in the heart room.

– Surgery: in cases of very serious internal tremors, routine medications and radio-frequency digestion operations cannot control the condition, and in cases of instrumental heart disease, surgical treatment can be provided, such as cardiac valve repair or replacement, uterine maze, etc.

VI. Prevention of room tremors

– Maintaining good living habits, first and foremost: regularity, avoiding transitions, drinking and moderate exercise, which allows for moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc.; and, secondly, the need to remain comfortable, while avoiding emotional transitions and the prevention of maligning.

– Control of basic diseases: since basic diseases lead to the occurrence of room tremors, active treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and control of indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar and blood resin is reasonable.

– Periodic medical check-ups: for some elderly persons and groups with family history of heart disease, regular electrocardiograms, cardiac colours, blood sugar, blood resin, etc. are carried out to facilitate early detection of room tremors.

In short, fratricular tremors are a particularly common form of heart disorder, which is more harmful to human health. We should be right about room tremors, their symptoms, hazards, causes and treatments, and only by actively preventing and treating room tremors can we improve the quality of life and protect the health of the heart. In cases of heart attack, dizziness and shortness, it is important to have timely access to medical care and to actively conduct relevant examinations so that early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the incidence of malignant complications.

Room tremor.