I made a nose. Can you save it?

I made a nose. Can you save it?Nasals have become more popular in previous years, and in recent years they have rarely been imitated. Because the beauty of the sky’s nose is no longer popular, the people who made the sky’s nose can fix their noses.How? The key is to lower the root of the nose. Lowering the root of the nose usually requires re-prosthesis and re-graving. There is also a key to the alignment of nose and face. It takes into account the relationship between the nose and the eyebrow, the relationship between the nose and the eyebrow triangle, the relationship between the nose and the base of the nose, the relationship between the nose and the side wall of the nose.In general, the optimal time for nose repair is over six months. It would have been better if it had been repaired after a year. If repaired within six months, the elasticity of the skin may not be restored and the stitches may be broken.