I’d like to recommend four types of cyanide to warm the phoenix.

I’d like to recommend four types of cyanide to warm the phoenix.

In the cold winters, when temperatures drop sharply, it is particularly important for people with typhoids to remain warm and improve their immunity. During this season, a reasonable diet not only improves the body ‘ s ability to withstand the cold, but also provides a complementary effect to the treatment of typhoid. The following is a proposal for four types of “silver cyanide” to help people with typhoon warm the winter.

One, radish lamb soup.

Carrots are referred to as “earth ginseng” and are rich in a variety of trace elements that can induce the human body to produce permutants, increase the body’s immunity and assist in the treatment of white phoenix. The lamb is a good addition to the winter, with a fine, even distribution of fat and thin meat, nutritionally rich and easily digestive, known as “long-lived meat”. The warmness of the lamb contributes to the warmth and warmth of the cold and increases the body ‘ s aerobics. The radish is cooked with lamb, warm and nutritious, and is well suited to be eaten by typhoid patients during the winter.

It is important to note that typhoid patients can eat lamb, but it is important to keep in mind the amount of food consumed. Because lamb is a hair, it means food that is nutritious or irritant and that is particularly susceptible to causing or exacerbating certain diseases. Despite the abundance of the lamb, which can be used to regenerate, warm kidneys in the heat, there is a certain benefit to be gained from the draught. However, the heat of the lamb is so hot that over-eating can lead to the recurrence or exacerbation of a number of diseases, so that typhoid patients should be able to stop, so as not to lead to increased conditions.

Two, black bean veal soup.

Black beans, rich in proteins, food fibres, zinc, magnesium and other trace elements, are referred to as “the king of beans” and can supplement daily nutrient intake. Yellow platinum, on the other hand, is a pharmacant that is regenerative and immune. The stewing of black beans and yellow veal with beef, which not only tastes good, but also improves health and immunity, is a good and nutritious meal for people with white phoenix.

Three, cologne.

The aroma is a typical “hair” food, which is fragrance and unique, which can effectively complement its own aerodynamics and has a chilling effect. It also contains a wealth of vitamins and minerals, which help to promote the metabolism of the body. The cuisine is mixed with other vegetables and is both appetizing and nutritious and well suited for winter food. In the case of typhoid patients, this dish not only improves the body ‘ s ability to withstand cold but also supplements the nutrients it needs.

Four. The potion duck.

Mountain pharmacists have a spleen-friendly stomach and kidney-enrichment effect, while bamboo platinum is rich in a variety of amino acids and trace elements, and contributes to increased immunity. Ducks are cold, but boiled with other cuisine, so that they can be tempered, so that the whole course is filled and warm. The cooking of mountain medicine and bamboo and duck meat, which not only tastes good but also supplements the many nutrients needed by the body, is a delicious and nutritious meal for people with white phoenix.

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