Rheumatism is a complex and diverse type of disease that affects the health and quality of life of many patients.
The range of rheumatism diseases is quite wide and includes various diseases such as rheumatism, acoustic spinal disease, systematic erythalamus, dry syndrome and osteoporosis. Most of the mechanisms for the occurrence of these diseases are related to their own immune disorders. As a rule, the human immune system is able to identify and resist alien pathogens, but in patients with rheumatism, the immune system wrongly attacks its own organization as an alien aggressor, triggering a series of inflammatory reactions.
The rheumatism is mainly a violation of the joints’ lubricative membranes, which are shown at an early stage by joint pain, swelling, and a gradual spread to the large joints, starting with small joints such as fingers, wrists, etc. As the condition evolves, the joint cartilage and bone may be damaged, leading to joint malformations, which seriously affect the gripping capacity of the hand and the activity function of the limbs. Strong-line spinal tracts are mainly burdened with spinal and hips, and patients often feel pain in their backs, rigidity, especially when they wake up in the morning, with more visible symptoms, which can be reduced slightly after the activity. When the condition is severe, the normal physiological bending of the spine changes, resulting in a restriction of the patient ‘ s physical activity and even an impact on the CPR function.
Systematic red hemorrhoids are a self-immunological disease that is multisystem-damaged and can drain multiple organs and systems, including skin, joints, kidneys and blood systems. There may be red spots on the skin of the patient, such as a typical butterfly, like a butterfly in the face. In cases of kidney stress, symptoms such as protein and blood urine can develop into kidney failure in serious cases. Dried syndrome is mainly manifested in dilatory gland symptoms such as eye dryness, mouth drying and, as a result of the destruction of the tear and saliva glands, patients often feel dry eyes, exotic feelings, dry mouths and difficulties in eating dry food.
For the diagnosis of rheumatological diseases, the doctor needs to synthesize the patient ‘ s symptoms, signs, laboratory tests and results of the visual examination. Self-antibody testing in blood tests, such as anti-nucleus, rheumatist factors, etc., is important for diagnosis. Visual examinations, such as X-rays, CTs, MRI imaging, etc., help doctors to observe the structural changes in joints and dirty organs.
In terms of treatment, rheumatological diseases usually require long-term regulated treatment. Drug treatment is at the core, including a non-paralytic anti-inflammation drug to alleviate pain and inflammation, and anti-generative drugs such as ammonium butterflies to regulate immune functions, while biological agents offer new hope for some hard-to-treated patients. At the same time, the self-management of patients is crucial, including adequate rest, reasonable exercise and good mentalities. Only in this way will it be possible to better control the situation, improve the quality of life and enable patients to work and live normally.