Incontinence should be a problem for many women with headaches! Because of childbirth, frequent use of abdominal pressure and the greater export of female pelvis, many women pee incontinent so that they can’t laugh when they’re having fun and are careful in their daily activities! Not to mention singing out loud and being passionate about something else! This disease seriously affects the social life of women. In response to these problems, medicine has been exploring the benefits of the earlier Kegel movement for many patients, and it is still the treatment that we actively recommend to treat patients with mild and moderate urine incontinence! Society is progressing, medicine is developing, and we are now developing the problem of women’s headaches, in addition to the method of physical exercise, as well as the electrical, magnetic and other treatments in the basin! And of course there’s laser therapy. We have introduced carbon dioxide dot-coated laser therapy at the Western College maternity clinic, which provides patients with immediate and accompanying treatment. It uses lasers for vaginal mucous membranes, activates fibre cells, activates new adhesive proteins and elastic fibres synthesis, thus promoting mucous regeneration, improving atrophy and tightening tissues, thus strengthening the functioning of the basin organization! It has good therapeutic effects for mild and moderate urination, vaginal atrophy or vaginal laxity, which can significantly improve reproductive ageing! The western courtyard of Zheng Daeichi is west of East Road of Fertilizer in the Central Province of Zhengzhou. It started on July 16 this year. People with obstetrical and gynaecology needs are welcome to visit. Vagina retrenchment, stress incontinence, bladder decomposition, rectum decomposition.
Posted inHealth and wellness