Indigestion. Understand it. Fight it.

Indigestion. Understand it. Fight it.

Indigestion is a very common problem in our daily lives. Many people have experienced a tummy swelling and discomfort at the end of the meal, or a fever, nausea, vomit, etc. So, what’s going on with indigestion? Let’s get to the bottom of this.

I. What is indigestion? Indigestion refers to a group of symptoms caused by gastrointestinal and mestizointestinal disorders and a group of clinical syndromes for which there is no instrumentality. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, early saturation, gas, appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc. These symptoms can occur individually or in several ways simultaneously. Indigestion can be divided into functional indigestion and instrumental indigestion. Functional indigestion refers to a variety of tests that did not detect a physical disease, but the patient had symptoms of indigestion. Indigestion of the body is a symptom of indigestion caused by various diseases of the digestive system, such as stomachitis, stomach ulcer, ulcer of the 12-finger intestine, cholesterol, cholesterol and pancreas.

1. Bad eating habits (1) Bitter consumption: Many people often find it difficult to control their appetites and eat too much. This causes stomach overloading, delays in emptiness and indigestion. (2) The diet is irregular: some people are unable to eat on time or are often hungry for a meal due to busy work or other reasons. This disrupts the normal digestive rhythm of the stomach, reduces its digestive function and is prone to indigestion. (3) Eat too much greasy, spicy and irritating foods: these can stimulate stomach mucous membranes, increase gastric acidization and lead to indigestion. For example, fried foods, peppers, coffee, tea, etc. may cause indigestion. 2. Psychological factors. Long-term mental stress, anxiety, depression, etc. can affect the function of the nervous system in regulating the gastrointestinal tract, leading to gastric creeping and gastric acidic disorders, which can cause indigestion. For example, some people are vulnerable to indigestion symptoms when they are under stress at work, before examinations or when they encounter major life events. 3. Diseases of the digestive system, some diseases of the digestive system, such as stomach inflammation, stomach ulcer, ulcer of the 12-finger intestine, cholesterol, pancreas, etc. These diseases affect the normal functioning of the digestive system, which prevents the normal indigestion and absorption of food and causes indigestion. 4. Other factors: (a) Age: As age increases, the function of the digestive system in the human body will gradually decrease and it is prone to indigestion symptoms. Older persons, in particular, are more likely to suffer from indigestion due to, inter alia, a slowing of gastrointestinal creeping and a decrease in digestive fluids. (2) Drug side effects: Certain drugs may cause adverse effects of indigestion, such as antibiotics, inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, etc. If there are signs of indigestion after taking these drugs, a doctor should be consulted in a timely manner.

1. Upper abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of indigestion. The nature of the pain can be the form of accommodation, pain, burns or stings, and the extent of the pain varies from person to person. In general, the pain increases after eating, especially after eating greasy, spicy and irritating food. Upper abdominal swelling is also one of the common symptoms of indigestion. Patients feel sick in their stomachs as if something was stuck there. The extent of abdominal swelling also varies, with some suffering from mild abdominal swelling, while others are suffering. 3. Early saturation means that after eating a small amount of food, the patient feels full and cannot continue to eat. Early saturation affects a patient ‘ s appetite, leading to a reduction in the amount of food consumed by the patient, thus affecting his/her health. 4. Stifling means the process by which the gas in the stomach is discharged through an edible tube. Patients with indigestion problems are often characterized by deodorant symptoms and more so than normal people. The aroma is sometimes accompanied by acid because of the fermentation of the food inside the stomach. 5. Lack of appetite. Patients suffering from indigestion often suffer from an appetite disorder and are not interested in food. This is because indigestion affects the digestion and absorption of food and makes the stomach uncomfortable, thereby affecting appetite. 6. Disgusting, vomiting. Some indigestion patients suffer from nausea and vomiting. Disgusting is an uncomfortable feeling, and patients feel they want to vomit. Vomiting is the process by which the food in the stomach is discharged through the oesophagus. The frequency and extent of vomiting varies from occasional to frequent and from frequent vomiting.

Diagnosis of indigestion, if symptoms of indigestion occur, should be referred to the hospital in a timely manner. The doctor conducts detailed inquiries on the patient ‘ s symptoms, medical history, eating habits, etc., and conducts necessary examinations, such as stomach glasses, abdominal ultrasound, blood protocol, liver function, etc., to exclude the possibility of physical disease. If there is no sign of a physical disease, it can be diagnosed as functional indigestion.

1. Adapting eating habits (1) Eating habits: Eating food on time and not hungry. Try to keep the three meals per day constant and avoid midnight. (2) Chew slowly: Eat slowly when eating, not too fast. This allows food to be fully chewed and facilitates digestion and absorption. (3) Avoiding irritating foods: less greasy, spicy, irritating foods such as fried foods, peppers, coffee, tea, etc. (b) Food that is light and easy to digest, such as rice congee, noodles, vegetables, fruits, etc. (4) Control of the amount of food: do not drink and eat at least seven or eight cents per meal. If you feel hungry, you can make a proper addition between meals, but not too much. 2. To adjust the state of mind to maintain a good state of mind and to avoid adverse emotions such as stress, anxiety and depression. Pressure can be eased by listening to music, sports, tourism, etc. If psychological problems are serious, a psychologist can be consulted for treatment. 3. Drug treatment may be considered if the symptoms of indigestion are still not abated as a result of the adjustment of dietary habits and mental state. The following types of drugs are commonly used: (1) Promotive drugs such as Dopanone, Moshapuri, etc., can promote gastrointestinal creeping and accelerate the digestive and emptying of food. (2) A digestive enzyme formulation, such as a combination digestive enzymes, pancreas capsules, etc., can supplement the digestive enzymes and help to digest food. (3) Anti-acids, such as magnesium aluminum carbonate, aluminum hydroxide etc., can moderate gastric acids and reduce stomach burn. (4) Antidepressants: Persons with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression can be considered for treatment with antidepressants. Indigestion of Chinese medicine has also had some effect. According to Chinese doctors, indigestion is caused by, inter alia, weak stomach, poor diet and emotional disorders. Indigestion can be treated through Chinese medicine, acupuncture, push, etc.

1. Development of good eating habits (1) Eating food on time and not hungry. Try to keep the three meals per day constant and avoid midnight. (2) Chew slowly: Eat slowly when eating, not too fast. This allows food to be fully chewed and facilitates digestion and absorption. (3) Avoiding irritating foods: less greasy, spicy, irritating foods such as fried foods, peppers, coffee, tea, etc. (b) Food that is light and easy to digest, such as rice congee, noodles, vegetables, fruits, etc. (4) Control of the amount of food: do not drink and eat at least seven or eight cents per meal. If you feel hungry, you can make a proper addition between meals, but not too much. 2. To maintain a good psychological state to avoid adverse moods such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Pressure can be eased by listening to music, sports, tourism, etc. Appropriate exercise. Appropriate exercise promotes gastrointestinal creeping and accelerates the digestive and emptying of food. Sports such as walking, jogging, yoga and so on can be selected, with three to five sports per week for about 30 minutes each. Regular medical examinations. Periodic medical examinations to detect and treat diseases of the digestive system in a timely manner. If there are signs of indigestion, they should be treated in a timely manner in order to avoid an increase. In short, indigestion is a common problem, but as long as we understand its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and take effective preventive measures, we can overcome it and remain healthy.