Scientific diet is an important way to control blood sugar, but it does not mean starving, or even giving up the food you like, just arrange the type and quantity of food you eat every day, and enjoy healthy food as well.
scientific diet
1. Control the total heat and maintain “balance of payments”
2. Balanced nutrition, master the coarse and fine collocation
3. Reasonable arrangement of food weight, regular and quantitative
4. Eat small meals, 3-6 meals
a day
5. High dietary fiber diet helps to lose weight and relieve constipation
6. Light diet, low fat, less oil, less sugar and salt
7. Limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking
Diet Calculation 3 “Steps”
1: Determine the total calories of the daily diet. Calories are the food eaten into the body, which is converted into the energy needed by the body.
1. The daily calorie requirement is related to the ideal weight. First, calculate the ideal weight: ideal weight (kg) = actual height (cm) -105
2. Daily calorie requirement is also related
to activity intensity.
3. Appropriate total calories
per day Total
daily calories required = ideal body weight * calories
required per kilogram of ideal body weight per day Step
2: Calculate the daily food exchange
Food exchange portion is a commonly used unit to measure the amount of calories, usually producing 90 kilocalories per exchange portion.
Daily Exchange = Total Calories ÷ 90 Choose the right amount of food
according to the dietary exchange method Step
3: Balanced nutrition and skillful combination of
three meals
Carbohydrates are more likely to cause blood sugar to rise than proteins and fats, so you can choose a variety of carbohydrate foods, but not too much; Protein has a good feeling of satiety and is not easy to cause the rise of blood sugar, but it is recommended that the daily intake of diabetic patients should not exceed 20% of the total calories, and those with diabetic nephropathy need to reduce the intake of protein; fat is the nutrient that produces the highest calories, and the daily oil consumption per person should not exceed 25 ml; Dietary fiber can delay the absorption of sugar in food, keep the stool smooth and reduce hunger, so you can choose more foods rich in dietary fiber. The calorie allocation scheme of three meals a day can be 1/5, 2/5, 2/5 or 1/3, 1/3. If you choose the scheme of eating less and more meals, you can add meals between meals and before going to bed, and the calories of additional meals can be deducted from the next meal.