Is it possible for a man to heal himself?


Hello, can a man heal himself?

Question answer:

Men are usually not self-rehabilitated. This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which can lead to long-term insulation of the virus and its complete elimination by the immune system. Although in some cases the human immune system can inhibit the movement of the virus, the chances of self-healing remain low. Symptoms of sharp-wetting beaks include the presence of small beaks in the genitals or anal weeks, which may increase, increase and be accompanied by tickling, pain or discomfort. If treatment is not provided, the americium may spread or increase, seriously affecting the quality of life of patients. It is therefore recommended that men be given early detection and treatment. The main objective of the treatment is to improve the symptoms and reduce the recurrence by removing the gills visible to the naked eye. Treatment includes anti-viral drugs, laser therapy, surgical treatment or Chinese medicine. In addition, patients should avoid sexual activity during treatment to prevent the transmission of the disease to their partners. After treatment, the patient is also required to follow the advice of a doctor and undergo regular review to ensure that the condition is effectively controlled. If a patient is suspected or diagnosed with an acute hysteria, you can add a room, Jrsy 820 to a private consultation.